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sport is defined as an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment without a predetermined outcome

Topics and Questions We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Write a composition using one of the topics listed below. Your composition needs to be three to five paragraphs long. It must contain an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. For the purpose of this examination, sport is defined as an activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team competes against another or others for entertainment without a predetermined outcome.″ If you choose to explain why a certain sport is your favorite, please ensure that the chosen sport fits this definition. • Argue for or against the limitation of speed limits. • Explain why a certain sport is your favorite. • Compare and contrast driving in the winter and driving in the summer. • Describe a SINGLE memorable day in your life. Write a letter of complaint. Follow the rules for a formal letter, and use the full-block style. The complaint may be about anything you wish (such as malfunctioning equipment, poor building maintenance, or disruptive noises from a nearby business). You can base your letter on a true experience, or you can make up all the details you need. Please note that a form letter or a template cannot be used in constructing your response to question 2. When a form letter or template is used, you are giving little to no thought to wording or formatting, and you are not actually creating your own complaint; you are simply filling in the blanks of someone else′s work. For this reason, a grade of 1% will be issued if a form letter or template is used.

272 Words  1 Pages
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