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Censorship during the 1930’s

Censorship during the 1930’s

Censorship is described as the use of state or group power to control freedom of expression such as passing laws to prevent media from being published or propagated. It is harmful since it denies people rights to express themselves since certain bodies within a community such as government and private organizations control ideas. It is defined as one form of dictatorship especially between 1920-1930. It is used in suppression of ideas by the government, media and individuals to control ideas though to be harmful and objective. It is mainly carried out through films, newspapers, radios, TVs, magazines and other media related programs. Censorship aims at controlling and preventing indecent materials from reaching the public. The family, government and church are involved in suppressing certain ideas and hindering them from reaching people since they are considered indecent, harmful and blasphemous. Different communities have different taboos, laws and regulations, which are to be followed. Thus, censorship is used to ensure that the taboos are followed by people lack of which serious consequences follow.

Censorship was experienced in 1933 when racial barriers were used in “Emperor Jones”. The holly wood movies went against laws found in emperor jones. The films portrayed sex in indecent manner not acceptable by societies, churches and most individuals. The films featured the lifestyles of most Americans where sex was embraced. This was against the customs of the society. The act of sexuality was a taboo to discuss it in the public since it is against laws of religion and society. Hollywood movies and films showed this practice and sex between many different partners were featured in these movies. This was concern to many religious institutions since it was seen as ungodly and indecent. Rapes and prostitution were featured in the movies. Religious people objected these movies since they would be bad examples to other people. Rapes and prostitution would become part of the society in case the movies were allowed. Divorce was another elemt in these movies that was not allowed by religious doctrines. Watching these films and movies would enlighten people and increase the cases of divorce, which were rare in the past communities. Murder was another characteristic seen in these movies. People killing each other was viewed which is not accepted by both state and religious laws. The movies supported all virtues, which were prohibited by religious and state doctrines. Kidnap was also viewed in these movies. The movies encouraged virtues that would cause harm to people. Such virtues that support murder could eventually lead to chaos in the society. The Hollywood movies were filmed in different Medias and cinemas, which was a concern to the church. Racial discrimination and profiling was also featured in the movies thus encouraging racism in America. Corruption also featured in these movies. They did not give solutions to corruption but their keen message to people was corruption in American government. Political injustices were also seen in these movies where people fought for political positions. These movies are example of censorship in America featuring ways in which individuals break religious and state laws.

In the 1930s, the Catholic Church in America was involved in war in opposition to increasing numbers of lay values among many Americans in the public. The church was able to use films and cinemas in order to reach the public and make their demands on the increase of secular values among people. This was detailed research done by Alexander McGregor. There was an increase in number of holly wood films, which the church saw as a threat to corrupt the minds of innocent Americans. The church was against these holly wood movies since they supported virtues not in line with the church regulations. The church took the initiative to defend the social morals of most people who were being exposed to indecent movies as the church termed them. The church was determined to influence the view of holy wood movies through getting involved in censorship organizations such as legion of decency. The legion of decency, which was chaired by two bishops, was determined to have a say in production of holly wood movies to ensure that they followed moral ethics. The legion of decency aimed at preaching the patriotism culture and was actively involved in ensuring that American culture was maintained. It disagreed with the issue of sexuality and sex being represented in the media, which holly wood movies supported. The Catholic Church in America represented its Christian values to the public where it faced objections from some individuals who advocated for holly wood movies publications. Religious institutions contradicted themselves through airing their views in the media and cinemas, which they earlier viewed as being secular. The church is involved in government activities, which binds them together. The church advocates for people to be wealthy and get freedom. Producers of holy wood movies use this freedom in order to gain wealth. Morality was a key element advocated by the church since it is according to religious laws that pleases God. Holly wood movies on the other hand objected this, which made the church furious.

In 1934, there was an increase in number of slavery, immorality, illegal drug trafficking, racism, murder, venereal diseases and many other unacceptable activities in America. This made the censorship bodies to ban some movies and films that supported such virtues. It was unfortunate that the ban of one film in one state would popularize it in another American state. This led to establishment of a Hollywood production code. This was used in order to check holly wood movies before they reach the market. It was welcomed in the movie industry but not all movies complied with its needs and objectives. Pre code movies made between 1930 and 1934 had to comply with demands of the new code. The filmmakers defied the production code through use of costumes, images and languages that supported immorality. Many films in 1933 such as baby face and gold diggers supported immorality to a higher percentage, which led to imposition of production code in movies produced in 1934. Joseph Breen, the production code manager suggested that no movies should be produced before passing through the production code office. This was passed and hence no movie was produced before being scrutinized by the production code office. Films were therefore authorized or denied access to the public by the production code office. Failure of the film to meet the demands of the office meant failure of the movie to be produced and reach the public. Filmmakers had no option but comply with the rules and demands of the production code office.


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