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Academic Dishonesty Report


Academic Dishonesty Report


Limitations of the research conducted

There were a number of limitations from the research. Some students were unable to understand the questions well and instead gave wrong answers according to their understanding. Some students due to the fact that they are of low moral standards answered the questions wrongly and incredibly. This is one of the outcomes of the research. The survey questions dealt more with the number of those who cheat and their genders instead of dwelling more on the reasons why they are cheating. The questions are supposed to focus more on why the students cheat and not the number of those who cheat. The study was carried out using a very small number of students. The seventy two students can not make a true conclusion to say that almost all college students cheat. The number is supposed to be a large one for the correct conclusions to be made.

Report scope

The research was carried out in only one institution. This information may not be accurate since many universities have different methods of supervising the exams. The research was supposed to be carried out differently using large number of students and professors. This will enhance accuracy especially over similar time periods. The research was supposed to include different students with different experiences and by doing this the research could be termed as accurate.

Report organization

The different given surveys and findings plus the interviews are to be presented to the research analysis team. Here the findings are discussed and the reasons as to why students cheat are clearly analyzed. Many universities are supposed to be analyzed to check whether the finding from one of the universities applies to them all which was different in this case. Only one university was analyzed. The final thing to be done is suggest ways which can be put in to action to enable the percentage of cheating in colleges to be reduced.

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