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Why college students cheat


Why college students cheat


                                                        Research methods on why students cheat

The research method used was mixed results from a qualitative and quantitative research which involved surveys and experimental methods. From the above research the main objective is to know why college students cheat in their exams and assignments. It is also to know the number of students who cheat and their gender. According to the given results from the survey, it is true to conclude that female students cheat more than male students. It is also true to say that seniors and juniors cheat more as compared to freshman, sophomore and fifth years whose cheating percentage is very low. It is true to add that, in a given quiz or test, the percentage of those who cheat is more than the percentage of those who do not. The percentage of those who copy an assignment is also very high compared to the numbers that do not (Rettinger & Kramer.2008). In addition, from the above analysis it is true to conclude that students cheat because they failed to understand the given assignment. A good percentage too cheats because of lack of enough time while the other percentage cheats since they are too lazy to do the assignments by themselves (Rettinger & Kramer, 2008). The percentage of those who do not cheat is very low thus making a true conclusion that most college students cheat in their tests and assignments which is very unethical according to school’s laws and regulations. Cheating is therefore an alarming issue in schools and the reason that most students cheat because they did not understand the given materials is not credible. The issue of lack of enough time is also not convincing enough and therefore students should follow rules and regulations to the letter.

Peer influence

There are many reasons why students cheat from the done survey and analysis which confirmed that cheating is very high in schools and especially colleges. Students cheat simply because of peer influence and pressure. As a result of one person copying, then the neighboring students are tempted to copy thus leading the whole group to copying (Rettinger & Kramer, 2008). This research was done using experimental methods and was confirmed to be true as according to the survey analysis and information. It is true from the research that certain students justify their actions due to various given circumstances. Students cheat even though they know it is not right to cheat since of the called cheating culture. It is analyzed that the numbers of those who cheat as a result of their peers is high as compared to those who do not thus this is a contributing factor in cheating cases (Rettinger & Kramer, 2008). Peers influence is the most reason in colleges since the peers will encourage one another that they are actually doing the right thing which is obviously wrong. This as a possibility cause of cheating should be avoided by carrying out good morals.

Neutralizing attitudes

This is whereby students justify their reasons to cheat and which can be seen as true but in real sense are not according to the given rules and regulations of exams (Mark, Simkin & McLeod, 2009). They are justifications made by students who are actually cheating in order to console themselves that their reason for cheating is good enough. They do this in order to avoid guilt feeling since it is an offence to cheat. The students who are used to cheating have high neutralizing attitudes than those who do not cheat (Mark, Simkin & McLeod, 2009). They go on cheating since they have the attitude and reasons to cheat which are of cause unjust. According to the neutralization theory, students cheat as they justify themselves to be doing the right thing which is unethical in the society (Mark, Simkin & McLeod, 2009). The researchers say that this is not an enough reason for students to cheat and is accompanied by several factors.

Many cheating motivators

There are many opportunities for those who want to cheat. The cheating materials are readily available for example in the case of plagiarism; the materials are readily available on line via the internet. It is important to note that most papers from graduates are plagiarized from the internet which is very unethical. Students should avoid cheating by all means (Mark, Simkin & McLeod, 2009). Most students cheat since they want to pass and pursue different goals in life. They cheat since they want to succeed through the easiest way possible. This though is not a very good reason to cheat since students should work hard in their studies. Some students justify their habits using the time factor where they attribute their cheating as a result of lack of enough time. This is not justifiable and credible since there are other successful students who do not cheat. Students justify themselves using the culture that sees cheating as a normal culture and thus motivating students to cheat (Mark, Simkin & McLeod, 2009). Cheating is regarded as a normal way of doing things in various universities and colleges and this culture is a motivation to students who consider it as a right thing just like everybody considers it.

Small penalties received

Different institutions have different rule and regulations. According to this study many students cheat since the consequences of cheating are very minimal or none at all (Rettinger & Kramer, 2008). This motivates students since they do not get punished as a result of cheating. They therefore consider cheating as a normal and the right culture. Most universities are now advising for faculties to grade grades accordingly and award zero to those students who cheat (Rettinger & Kramer, 2008). The instructions are not followed and thus students go ahead to cheat since they will go unpunished. Most professors are lenient to students and they do not notice the misconduct since the number of students is high and the time is not enough to do a proper checkup whether cheating is available or not. Professors are also lenient since they do not want students to keep on falling as this will create a disturbing environment for the students (Rettinger & Kramer, 2008). Students will continue to cheat if they are not properly punished for their unethical behavior.

Moral ethics and behaviors

It is clear to say that those students with low moral ethics cheat as compared to those who have high morals. This is the best reason why some students cheat while others do not. It is the most accurate reasons for students to cheat since those of low morals are prone to cheatings as they are used to break each and every regulation (Rettinger & Kramer, 2008). For students to minimize the rate of cheating, they must upgrade their moral standards. Plagiarism is not easily noted like exam cheating is since exams are done at open places while assignments are carried out elsewhere (Rettinger & Kramer, 2008). This is a contributing factor to rate the level of morality in students. Moral upright students neither cheat in exams nor at home nor are successful.







Rettinger.D, & Kramer. (2008).Situational and Personal Causes of Student Cheating

Mark G, Simkin, McLeod.A. (2009). Why Do College Students Cheat?















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