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Suppose that you want something very much but that when you get it, you are completely disappointed. Why does this case raise a problem for the desire satisfaction theory? What might a desire satisfaction theorist say in response? Do you find this reply c

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:

  • Suppose that you want something very much but that when you get it, you are completely disappointed. Why does this case raise a problem for the desire satisfaction theory? What might a desire satisfaction theorist say in response? Do you find this reply convincing?
    •    Is religion a good source of moral guidance? Describe what you take to be the strongest arguments on both side of the issue, and then defend your own view. 
    •    What is the relationship between religion and morality? Does morality depend on religion in any sense? Defend your answer. 
    •    Suppose that "human nature" consists of the set of innate characteristics that all (or most) humans share. Understood in this way, what does human nature tell us about morality? Is it always immoral to behave contrary to human nature?

    Book Discussions-When discussing the book you need the book and two more sources. Use “Google Scholarly” or the “Library Database” for additional sources (See Library Research Tab on the Left in Bb). Do not use Wikipedia, dictionary, or a website (points will be taken off). When you quote make sure and list the page number or slide number or paragraph number in APA (you must have a minimum of three quotes from different sources).
217 Words  1 Pages
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