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A system is created when individuals realize they have neighbors, and that they would do better to figure out how to live together than to try and destroy each another. Thus, systems form through collaboration, from a realization that you need another in

Questions And Topics We Can Help You To Answer

In at least 3 paragraphs post, consider how the protagonists demonstrated or failed to demonstrate ONE of the following quotes from Margaret Wheatley.

Quote 1: "A system is created when individuals realize they have neighbors, and that they would do better to figure out how to live together than to try and destroy each another. Thus, systems form through collaboration, from a realization that you need another in order to maintain your life. The recognition that individuals need each other lies at the heart of every organizational system."

Quote 2: "Because the organization falls apart, that same system now is capable of reorganizing itself into a new mode of being. It is changing because it understands the world differently. It reorganizes itself from new interpretations, new meaning. It re-creates itself from new understandings of what's important. For change to occur there must be a change in meaning."

158 Words  1 Pages
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