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Human stories and experiences are dynamic and multidimensional. In addition, the helping process needs to be purposeful and have clear direction. For this discussion, please address the following:

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:

  1. Human stories and experiences are dynamic and multidimensional. In addition, the helping process needs to be purposeful and have clear direction. For this discussion, please address the following:

When working with clients, how do you help them make sense of the stories that are told?
    When multiple elements are presented, how do you determine the starting point?
    How do you assess for legal, ethical, or safety concerns that need to be an immediate priority?

2.Human service professionals work in diverse settings providing support and guidance in many different situations, such as working with individuals, agencies, communities, businesses, and groups:
  *  Summarize the main component of collaborating with people for change.
    * Why do you think collaboration for change is a good fit for a human service professional?
    What role does collaboration play in the goal development process?

3.Understanding the Goal Development Process

As you reflect on the change process of helping, address the following:

    Summarize the steps in the helping people change and goal process.
    What considerations are needed when helping clients shape and prioritize their goals?
    What assessment might you need to make based on legal, ethical, and safety concerns?
    What are some challenges you might encounter when guiding clients to make a commitment to their goals?
    How might you address these challenges as a helping professional

231 Words  1 Pages
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