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At one time the goal of instructional/educational technology (as well as of much of education generally) was to individualize teaching and learning for each student, so that everyone would have the maximum chance to succeed. And indeed, talk of differenti

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Paper Instructions:

At one time the goal of instructional/educational technology (as well as of much of education generally) was to individualize teaching and learning for each student, so that everyone would have the maximum chance to succeed. And indeed, talk of differentiating and personalizing instruction and education has increased again in recent years. Nowadays, however, we also talk about collaborative learning as a key instructional strategy, as well as other forms of group work. How can the ID process help us reconcile these two trends, which seem to be leading us in very different directions. What parts of the ID process are most useful in bringing about this reconciliation? What changes to the ID process might be useful in the future, based on these ideas? What technologies should we focus on in designing our instruction to make this reconciliation possible?

147 Words  1 Pages
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