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The Impact Peer Mentoring Can have on Freshman Students

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Paper Instructions:

My final paper topic will be "The Impact Peer Mentoring Can have on Freshman Students".

The transition from secondary school to college can be extremely hard for many students. They are numerous colleges and universities that have an arrangement of courses and academic counseling that is intended to address these issues and help with this change. One significant part to help the freshman make this significant progress is a progression of peer mentoring which has been known to assist understudies with feeling progressively incorporated and supported at school. Peer mentoring also has been found to strengthen understudies tirelessness toward graduating.

At least five (5) different research resources should be used at a minimum.  

APA Format is the required format for submission. 

Papers are expected to be a minimum of 10 pages in length (double-spaced).  


The paper should include the following:

Table of Contents


Introduce  discoveries from different mentoring programs specifically peer-to-peer mentoring supporting first year freshman understudies. 

Background of Issue or Topic

Impact of mentees giving subjective reactions about what they discovered helpful and what they felt could be improved in the program.

Analysis of Issue or Topic

Discuss how the adequacy of the mentoring program featured commitments to improving the accompanying, for all mentees: First year experience, level of college contribution, and graduation and retention rates of those freshmen who've been in mentored programs on their school grounds.



251 Words  1 Pages
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