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Student Performance Review

 Student Performance Review


 The key to understanding the students’ performance is through having an insight into their entry behaviors and comparing them with their current helps in categorizing them into groups based on their academic achievements that are achievers, average, and underachievers. This will help me in knowing how to approach them technically according to their level of knowledge. With colleagues, I will inquire about the code of conduct of the students and the strategies they use in teaching and monitoring them during their class time. Will also approach the administration for the provision of the academic grading record to enable in arranging the students according to their ability before insinuating strategies of how to guide them to improve.

By the end of the academic year, every student should be able to attain a grade above the grade level. This can only be achieved through knowing the weaknesses of each student and knowing a suitable criterion in cubing the problem this will be achieved by; for the below-average students I will divide the given timetable into various slots for completing each topic, revise and give exams. For those with Attention deficit if reading is hard use previewing strategies to shorten the amount required in reading, avoid oral reading. This will enable the students’ performance to improve gradually because will all these strategies their confidence and relation with me will improve, as a teacher I will also include speaking to students encouraging them to handle their responses, and reinstitute them. Those performing well will make sure they assist those below by group discussions and self-monitoring. With the help of the administration, fellow teachers, and the positive approach of the students to the strategies will induce self-driven characters that will ignite them towards improving their mean score and even their personal performance academically.


303 Words  1 Pages
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