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Qatar National Library Goals

 Qatar National Library Goals

The goal of the Qatar National Library is to transform Qatar by creating a Knowledge-based society (Henkel et al. 2018).  Since the country has achieved economic diversification, the national library aims at supporting education. The library also focuses on creating a knowledge economy by allowing Qatar people to access high skill levels. The younger generation in Qatar lacks information literacy skills. The library offers information literacy courses where students will access information and use it in their daily lives (Henkel et al. 2018). Lastly, the national library focus on changing the Qatari culture and create a culture of book reading. The national library has established an enabling environment where Qatar people will play, learn, and interact.





Henkel, M., Barth, J., Gremm, J., & Stock, W. G. (2018). Qatar National Library as part of a

countrywide knowledge infrastructure. In LIS2018. International Conference on Library

and Information Science. Bangkok, Thailand (pp. 163-90).

161 Words  1 Pages
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