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Financial Aid Disqualification Appeal


Financial Aid Disqualification Appeal

I am writing this appeal letter for the reinstatement of my financial aid which was revoked because of my academic probation. I realize that I was not able to maintain and keep up the academic progress that I was required, to keep benefiting from the financial aid. I take full responsibility for this and I believe I know the reasons that led to my academic probation. I would like to apologize and appeal for a second chance. The situation that led to my probation is off my chest and I have a plan on how I will get back to my original performance. However, I would like to explain the circumstances and thank you for allowing me the opportunity.

In summer 2012 to spring 2013 I found myself homeless and was living in my car. This was very difficult for me because I still had to pursue my course by attending school. At the same time, I had to work two jobs to try and find a place to live. This situation was very frustrating for me and I started losing my concentration due to exhaustion. It was one of the most trying times I have ever had in my life. I felt broken, confused, and lost and at some point, I did not know what to do. Due to being homeless and trying to juggle between jobs, I could not be able to attend school anymore. I put my dreams on hold for the one year I was homeless and decided to focus on finding a stable and better living before going back to school. This would enable me to concentrate more and work towards getting and sustaining good grades.

Before summer 2019, I decided to go back to school and continue pursuing my dreams for the summer session. Because of my academic probation and financial aid disqualification that I had in 2013, I was unable to qualify for financial aid but qualified for a Board of Governor's waiver. My last full-time job ended in December 2019 and currently, I am working part-time to be able to pay for school and other necessities which are a struggle for me. I have been able to rent a room and I am currently living in a healthy environment. This has enabled me to be focused and concentrate on school full time and get good grades. I am now able to continue pursuing my career and fulfill my dreams from a conducive environment. I have learned a lot from the situation I found myself in and this has made me want to pursue my dreams even more.

 It was a privilege having been given financial aid in the first place and I do not take it for granted. I am humbly appealing to you to reinstate my financial aid because it will be of great help to me and I promise not to let you down in terms of my academics. It would mean so much to me if I had the opportunity to graduate from this institution. If I am reinstated, I will be able to focus more on my schoolwork and manage my time properly. I hope you understand my situation that led to my academic probation and give me another chance. Thank you very much for your consideration.

553 Words  2 Pages
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