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Malware, Vulnerabilities, and Viruses

Questions We Can Help You To Answer

Paper instructions:

Malware, Vulnerabilities, and Viruses

1) In a short essay name three ways viruses infect a system and three symptoms that help you identify a virus infection.
2. Create a table that lists and defines five different types of viruses.
3. Research two antivirus products. Create a table that compares the features of the two products. Example: product, systems supported, features, update frequency and cost.
4. In a short essay explain the difference between spoofing, pharming, and phishing attacks.
5) Create a table listing and defining three types of injection attacks.
Attack            Definition             Defense
6) In a short essay define the following tools that help identify and prevent malware attacks.
Vulnerability Scanners
Honeypots and Honeynets
Port Scanners
Banner Grabbing
7) Research “How to recognize phishing e-mail messages, links, or phone calls” 

13 Words  1 Pages
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