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Blind Spots and Use of Heavy Equipment

Blind Spots and Use of Heavy Equipment

  1. Problem Statement

            1.1 Introduction

The main objective of the project that is being proposed by this study is to provide an in-depth analysis of the blind spot issue with reference to the use of heavy equipment or motor machines and establish some viable solutions to the problem. As a researcher I have carried out preliminary investigations on blind spots as leading causes of accidents and injuries among heavy equipment users across the United States of America. Valuable information has been collected from the existing literature with regard to the subject.

The study established that, despite the fact that several measures such as road signs and signals have been implemented as a means of informing the drivers about the existence of blind spots, little progress has been achieved in this case. The research therefore established that the heavier the equipment, the more hazardous the blind spots and immediate solutions such as creating awareness and marking the points as dangerous are needed. To reduce the number of road accidents, associated injuries and mortalities the measures ought to be revised based on the provisions of this study.

1.2 Background

Road accidents represents one of the most undesired thing to happen to the road users based on the level of damages they cause even though they take place frequently. The most saddening thing in this case is that, it appears as though the mistakes that takes place on the roads have less effects on us. Safety is essential for all the road users: something that is normally rejected due to the lack of awareness, ignorance or reluctance of the policy developers [1]. Road work points are dangerous spots for the pedestrians and drivers as they are expected to move the machines via multifaceted assortment of signs, casks and lanes switching to provide working opportunities for the staffs repairing and safeguarding the wellness of the roads.

A blind spot can best be described as a section on a given car or a part of the construction gadget that is not noticeable to the road operators either through the use of direct sight or using the inner and external mirrors [1]. Construction equipment is basically extensive and holds enclosed lid. This can create the blind sections that surrounds the equipment to become dangerous areas for all the users of the specific road [2]. Blind spots are hazardous and the heavier the equipment the more dangerous the situation.

Blind spots are a major accidents cause in the United States which affects several aspects of the modern society ranging from social to economic settings. Blind spots are the areas on the roads that are linked with the largest number of accidents. The problems that causes such accidents are common and can thus be treated through the use of engineering strategies.

            2.0 Literature Review

The study began by analyzing secondary data sources in reviewing the issue of blind spots on the roads and its effects on heavy equipment road users in the United States. The secondary sources were acquired via online search using the key words such as blind spots and heavy equipment. The acquired evidence proposes that blind spots accidents can be reduced through the adoption of more concrete measures that seek to improve the state of the roads while reducing the rate of injuries and mortalities among heavy machines users [2]. The sources provide the suggestion that the first measure is to focus on the provision of awareness and familiarity to the road users on the use of mirrors and knowledge in assessing the roads. The other proposal is the use of engineering constructions to modify the roads as a means of eliminating the hazards.


            2.1 Blind Spot Identification Approaches

Even though there lacks a worldwide accepted description of blind spots, the areas are known as the road sections with the highest accident risks. The safety of the road users is one of the leading concerns currently [3]. There are several measures that are needed for the safety to be achieved. In this case, all the blind spots ought to be identified to reduce the recurring accidents. The establishment of the road areas that possess more danger than all the others is essential in enhanced road scheduling and improvement.

In general, the areas steal so much from the society and thus their geometrical improvements should best help in treatment and lowering the health and prevention costs. Blind spots can be identified based on their geometric structure and prone to major accidents [4]. Based on the nature and size of the areas each spot should be handled differently through increasing road marks such as signals or working on geometric revision.

            2.2 Awareness and Familiarity

It has been determined by the study that the increasing blind spots accidents are triggered by over speeding and fierceness on the road. Most individuals fail because of the lack of knowledge towards a certain subject as a whole. There is therefore a need to create awareness on the road users on how to identify blind spots and careful use of the roads. Several rules and measures exist when it comes to the use of major roads, but such aspects are ignored by most road users. Even though the nature of the roads contributes in the accidents, most of these problems are intensified by human errors that are avoidable. By informing the users of the dangers that such spots pose, then this will increase their attentiveness on the road. Heavy equipment users need to be highly equipped in terms of skills and knowledge given that such vehicles causes more harm when accidents occurs [5].

            2.3 Low Cost Corrective Measures

Human errors have the utmost contribution on the occurrence of the accidents such as overloading and over speeding. Geometrical composition although a contributor plays a relatively lower role in the occurrence of these accidents. In addition, most of these accidents occurs during the day which creates more worry. To create safe and smooth flowing traffic on the roads there is a necessity to provide desalinated service roads that will accommodate low weight vehicles.

Some other remedies that are cost efficient includes the incorporation of road signals, road marks, policies development and minor geometrical adjustments to minimize blind spots and promote wellness. In that, some of the blind spots needs to be demarcated more to allow the users to understand of the oncoming danger and respond effectively in avoidance. Such markings will allow the road users to slow down. Overspending of heavy commercial in such spots is dangerous since the drivers are likely to lose control over the vehicles as a whole leading to devastating accidents [6]. The measures are a necessity given that they seek to guard the socio-economic wellness of the United States.


3.1 Research Methods

Awaiting the approval of the research proposal on blind spots and the use of heavy equipment, this section provides a detailed analysis of the research methods to be applied in data collection. This section offers a clear description of the research strategies to be used in the study. The researcher explains the necessity of both primary and secondary data and how each will be collected. Adequate information is provided with respect to the proposal aims and research question. The rationale for the research plan, design, approaches, data sources, data gathering techniques, analysis, and presentation are provided. The study will begin by searching for the most suitable sources to be used. The sources will be selected on the ground of key terms such as heavy machinery and blind spots. This will help in selecting the most reliable and credible sources.

The study will mainly focus on the use of a mixed research methodology that incorporates both qualitative and quantitative approaches. The methods were selected based on their ability to generate maximum information within a short time span. Since the study will face a limitation of time the approaches are therefore suitable. In this context, the descriptive research design will be applied. A research design refers to a plan that outlines the needed approaches and processes for carrying out the research which is deliberately developed [1]. The descriptive survey design is a study plan that offers intense analysis and reliability in relation to a given subject as it describes the findings of the researchers.

For qualitative and quantitative research methods the study will therefore collect both secondary and primary data through the use of surveys and interviews. All the secondary sources must be scholarly with reference to publication within the last 10 years. The main objective of this design is to offer a description of the features of a specific problem. Observation, survey interviews and questionnaires filling are some of the methods that are applied in data collection with reference to the descriptive investigation design. The research method will be useful in generalizing accurate findings in large amounts. In that even with the presence of primary data much relies on is derived from secondary literature which assists in the development of a more stable case foundation.

3.1.1 Secondary Research

In order to bring out reliable, credible and accurate findings, the study will rely on secondary and primary data as a whole.

Secondary research refers to a collection of data from the existing literature. Besides, this is the analysis of information that had already been conducted to fulfill a related objective (Thyer, 2010). The aspect is likely to be modernized or traditional and data might either be classified as quantitative or qualitative and it requires some amendment when be used to fit within the aim of the study. Secondary research will seek to acquire survey and documented data. In that online surveys will be carried out to a selected sample to bring about some necessary information which is comparable with the existing data. On the other hand, documented data will be acquired from various sources such as books, peer-reviewed articles, and online journals. The sources are mainly published for academic purposes which makes them more suitable for utilization. The use of secondary research is essential because it is time and cost effective since data has already been collected [2]. In other words, it implies that few errors in coming up with conclusions are avoided unlike for the primary research where the data is not comparable. The published sources are also important since they are a source of maximum information about an issue.

3.1.2 Primary Research

Primary research entails collecting new information regarding a subject. The data is one that has not been used in the past [3]. For the purpose of this study, primary research will be carried out following interviews, survey, and questionnaires as the collection tools. In that interviews will be subjected to the study sample and their responses will serve as primary data. Primary data will be given the utmost priority in this study to ensure that the findings are new and reliable.

Interviews: questions will be designed to fit within the study objective. The objective of the interviews will be to gain the view of the respondents regarding the issue of blind spots on the roads. The respondents for the study will be selected based on experience, knowledge, and expertise. In that, since the study will be focusing on heavy equipment then it is, therefore, necessary to target the population with the related knowledge to the subject. Data that will be collected through interviews will include but not restricted to how blind spots affect the safety of heavy equipment users, measures necessary to address the issue and causes of the problem. The study intends on using semi-structured interviews to ensure that the researcher does not divert from the main subject of investigation but also to create opportunities to interact which is likely to lead to admirable results. In turn, this will guarantee the acquisition of maximum data as a whole.

Survey and Questionnaires: the objective of these surveys is mainly to gather and analyze the existing data from the view of the respondents. The surveys will mainly be directed to the road users and experts as they have the needed information to solve the issue. Through, the survey, their views, and attitude will be captured effectively. The surveys will incorporate both closed-ended and open-ended queries based on their ability to generate more information within a short time. In addition, this will guide the participants in answering all the questions as required for the fulfillment of the set objectives. Thus, the questionnaires will be used as the basis of the survey since the same questions will be relied on gaining respective views from the respondents collaboratively leading to the success of the process. The instruments will generate adequate primary data that is needed for the study.

3.2 Budget Considerations

The project is not a long based one given that it seeks to investigate on a single subject. Even though the issue is broad, the focus will be on heavy equipment. In this context, it means that the study will not necessitate any form of funding as the researchers will utilize their own money in paying for the necessary bills that will be minor. The questionnaires, interviews, and surveys are cost friendly since when carried out online, no form of funds will be needed. The main necessity of the study is time. In that in collecting both primary and secondary data, much time is needed which might be a constraint. The table below provides a prediction of the needed time for each stage of the project. The indicated time is actually an estimation based on the value of each aspect which will allow proper planning.

Table 1: Research Project Timeline


Time allocation in Hours

Proposal development


Development of research objectives


Research Design


Interviewers training


Interview Questions development


Questionnaires distribution




Online research


Data collective and analysis


Research draft development


Presentation development and preparation


Final Draft compilation





3.3 Project Schedule

The figure below displays the time schedule that will be used in the development of the research project.

Figure 1: Project Schedule


Time Schedule













Proposal Due














Questions Development










































Feasibility study














Rough Draft Development














Presentation preparations











































                4.1 Team

 An effective team is where the involved members work towards the fulfillment of specific objectives.  In other words, there is a shared vision where each one strives to achieve collaboratively [1]. In every study, there is a research team that is involved. It is the composition of that specific group in terms of characteristics that determine the outcome of the study. For the purpose of this project, a research team that best suits the needs of the investigation will be selected.


First, the student members that will be selected to join the team are those with adequate experience and knowledge of what a research project entails. The aspect is essential in avoiding any form of errors as while as saving time that would, in other words, be used to offer training [2]. Having basic knowledge is important as it will work to ensure that the same aims are achieved by every individual [3]. I believe that regardless of the field of study, research studies tend to follow similar procedures and rules and the major in which the students are from will not be used as exclusion criteria. Those that will be included will have adequate knowledge and the will to work collaboratively. In that the researchers need to have background knowledge with regard to the problem of blind spots and heavy equipment. This will ensure that everyone knows what the research subject requires. In that the results must be in support of the needed adjustments on the roads to reduce accidents and injuries caused by blind spots when using heavy equipment. The researchers are not necessary drivers but individuals with knowledge of the occurrences on the road particularly with regard to accidents and heavy machines.

If the members accept the proposals and are willing to be part of it, they will be included. Particularly, this will involve both students who are done with the design research projects and those that have not yet completed that assignment. The mixture is important as it will seek to benefit those with minimal exposure to gain the needed skills. Since a brief training will be provided to the team prior to the research, this makes the population appropriate. 

However, in the light of the subject, those that will be included as team members are the students for whom English is their second language. English is my second language and thus, for efficiency individuals with similar characteristics are favorable. English even though it is their second language might be considered because the ability to communicate is more important. The selection is important since any form of language misinterpretation will definitely affect the credibility, accuracy, and reliability of the results in general. Several characteristics must be possessed by the team members such as self-consciousness, effective communication abilities, focused and collaborative persons. The individuals must be well equipped to deal with others and communicate well to avoid any misunderstandings.

            4.2 Experience

As a lead researcher for this study, I believe that I have become an effective investigator over time. Researching in the past has always been the worst part of studying: some subjects will appear easy but when it comes to narrowing the focus to suit the need of the research I end up with disappointment. However, the exposure that this course has given me has improved my skills and I have evolved to be a more comfortable researcher over time.

Research is something that follows well-designed procedures and strategies which must be followed and that has benefitted me in perfecting my research and analytical skills. With respect to the subject of an investigation, it has given me much pleasure as I have learned so much that I was not aware of in the past. The topic has given me exposure something that I am willing to explore with the team of researchers that will be selected. If I was in charge of the project the experiences that would make me more suitable in leading include my ability to narrow down complex topics, dealing with diverse persons and my researching experience in the past.


5.1 Conclusion

The research topic is one of the most ignored subjects despite the fact that blind spots are some of the causes of the major accident. It should concern my university that such issues not only affect our society but the future of its students. Even though the subject is more of the real world it is directly affecting the wellness of every person as a whole. In that, after leaving the institution some of the students will get involved in the use of heavy equipment and thus understand the dangers that lie on the road would be beneficial in avoiding some of the devastating effects.

Each year more lives are lost on the roads and these individuals are our neighbors, family and so on. This study will, therefore, propose some feasible solutions that can be used by policy developers and future engineers to develop safer roads. I will appreciate your approval of the topic and assigning of a student research team to carry out the investigation and recommend the necessary improvements that can be made to reduce the number of accidents on our roads and enhance individual’s experiences and safety.

Thank you so much for sharing your time and considerations. For further details, concerns or questions, please feel free to contact me with respect to the proposal. My contact details are as follows: ………….. ………………….


Yours Sincerely,












[1] H. Imran, and M. A. Kamal. "Accidents black spots on highways and their low cost remedial measures." WIT Transactions on the Built Environment 101 (2008): 691-700

[2] J. W. Hinze, and J. Teizer. "Visibility-related fatalities related to construction equipment." Safety science 49, no. 5 (2011): 709-718.

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[4] J. W. Hinze, and J. Teizer. "Visibility-related fatalities related to construction equipment." Safety science 49, no. 5 (2011): 709-718.

[5] T. Travellers. "Staying Safe around Heavy Equipment",, 2018

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3500 Words  12 Pages
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