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Theory is a form of learning

Theory is a form of learning 

            A large number of students study hard with an aim of being credited and to handle examinations and they seldom think of attaining any knowledge.  This paper therefore, will discuss more on the schema and the engagement theory and it will also discuss on the way these theories informs the way in which one will teach a reading.

            Engagement theory is a form of learning in technologically based environs and it incorporates so many aspects from the past theories of learning. The main elements of this theory are founded on motivation with an aim of inspiring the students so as to find the lessons more interesting and also more valuable (Sun 2005). The schema theory on the other hand states that all the knowledge is structured into units where each and every unit of knowledge has its own stored knowledge.  Thus they are able to participate and learn effectively and maintain the information that they have attained from the learning and thus they are able to transfer this knowledge into other contexts (Rentsch et al 2009). 

            These theories therefore act as guidelines that are used to inform how a reading is to be taught. For instance, the schema theory allows a teacher to prepare units for a certain reading where each reading has its general description for thoughtful knowledge and how it is applicable. In the meantime, most of the people believe that these students basically requires need to be strengthened and thus the teachers make enormous efforts to utilize several forms of education skills so as to transform knowledge and to lead the students into paying more attention to literature and also to be able to cultivate an aesthetic education excellence of literature.




Sun Di. (2005). On The Enlightenment Of Engaged Learning Theory To Construct Virtual Learning Community. Distance Education Journal 6, 21-25.

Rentsch, J. R., Mot, I., & Abbe, A. (2009). Identifying the core content and structure of a schema for cultural understanding (No. ARI-TR-1251). ARMY RESEARCH INST FOR THE BEHAVIORAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCES ARLINGTON VA.


345 Words  1 Pages
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