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Reflecting on Your Learning

Reflecting on Your Learning

Question 1

I learned that writing papers and completing them in stages helped in developing a better ground for the entire paper.  Through stages writing a comprehensive and detailed report for the honest corporation was developed successfully. Writing in stages helps in the organization of thoughts and clarification of different ideas and this can additional help in identification of sections that requires more effort. This is mainly because the stages help in developing more detailed and well-researched information.  Through the developed paper thesis at the first stage, the paper can be completed without many complications as the thesis statement helps in setting directions.  The most important state is developing a thesis statement and an outline for the whole paper (Wallwork, 64).  This offers a general plan through which the paper can be completed with ease.  A plan is additionally significant because it helps in developing grounds for research thus increasing efficiency thus resulting in quality.  Moreover, this helped in combining our strengths thus overcoming weaknesses.

Question 2

Stock marketing investment is associated with numerous benefits but the activity is, however, a risk approach. My attitude has changed for the worst based on the honest corporation case research. This is mainly because the corporation is characterized by many issues which mean that investing into the stock market is a great risk. In addition stock, market investment has some ups and downs and therefore there might not be any guarantee that maximum benefits can be exploited successfully (Rutterford, 63).  I, therefore, believe that investing in  stock market is not a good idea based on the  high risk that is  involved as much investment may be lost if the company that one has invested  in fails to utilize strategic  concepts  to maximize the shareholder's shares.




            Work Cited

Janette Rutterford, Marcus Davison. An Introduction to Stock Exchange Investment. Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. Print.

Wallwork, Adrian. English for Writing Research Papers. , 2016. Print.

321 Words  1 Pages
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