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Choose one blunder the author describes. Why, in your own words, was it a blunder?

Assignment two

  1. Choose one blunder the author describes.  Why, in your own words, was it a blunder?

            Research is one of the key essential elements before writing a white paper. This is because the main objective of the white paper is to educate and also to persuade. Therefore, one cannot be able to persuade a group of people or even to educate them if they have inadequate knowledge on the topic written. Thus it is very essential to first understand the topic and the only way to do this is through well done and thoroughly done research. This will involve gathering of information on the topic and analyzing it well so as to give factual information and to be able to give brief and concrete information on the topic (Tice 2016).

  1. What topic are you considering for your white paper in this class? 

Integrated mobility services in the New Zealand campus networks.

  1. with your topic in mind, comment on any piece of advice that the author, Carol Tice, gave and how it might be relevant to your white paper assignment.



            Vetting of client is essential as it helps to clarify on whom to report to and on who are involved in the project and from whom to access the information from. This is important as it will enhance easier collection of data from the relevant authorities and integrated participation of all who are involved in the use of the network in the campus.  Also carrying out of research should be carried out by the researcher and not the client. This will enhance one to acquire all the relevant information that the readers require for persuasion and education.

This will also reduce chances of emission and omission as a thorough research on the topic will be carried out (Tice 2016).


















            Tice Carol (2016). “5 Idiot Blunders I Made on My First White Paper Writing Assignment”. PDF

316 Words  1 Pages
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