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Dear future roommate

Dear future roommate,

They say one can never choose their family; you just have to roll the dice and pray for the best. Well that can also apply in this case and so I thought I should just give you a head start on the person you are likely to spend the next couple of years with. So where do I start? I am a transfer student from UC Santa Cruz University hoping to complete my studies at Pepperdine University. The transfer process has been quite challenging, however I’m still hopeful that once I get there things will be much better.

Back at US Santa Cruz, I was greatly involved in sports and athletics and participated in the school cross-country and was even a member of the badminton team. From this you can easily see that I am a social person who loves to make the best out of college life. Am also very outgoing, as a matter of fact I was the vice president of the Taiwanese Student Association. I am therefore hoping that you will be able to teach me about some of the things that Pepperdine University is famous for. I also love cooking and so if you love eating you are in luck because am a licensed cook!

So far I can say that college life has been both challenging and intriguing, however with the right attitude and the right friends, one is likely to get the desired results. I am therefore hoping to find the right fit in terms of a roommate in order to achieve the optimal balance between my academic life and my student life. I am hoping that as my future roommate you can be both a friend and a mentor in order to make the best out of our time in Pepperdine University. I hope this letter finds you well and I cannot wait to meet you.

Yours sincerely,




318 Words  1 Pages
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