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Introducing the interactive Model of Program Planning

Introducing the interactive Model of Program Planning

            As a graduate student, I am now interested in contributing in the future of the adults by advancing their goals and their objectives.  Program goals form standards that determine the performance of the program.  For the goal and objective development, one had to first recognize them as they are the component of the program one plans to assess.  The goal is that the huge description of the permanent prospect of what your program should have. This acts as the main foundation in development of the program objectives.  The other component that I will focus on is the preparation and the management of budgets.  The company that I will engage in will have to ensure that they set up policies for the preparation and management of budgets.  A person will have to prepare their initial budget for them to start up their things as they plan for their future.  Effective management of businesses is gained through maintaining of clear program records and its processes before starting the budgeting process ((Caffarella & Daffron, 2013, pg 29). 

             The assumptions that I have to make as a graduate are helping in the use of technology.  I will help the program planners in the use of technology in all ways of program planning.  This will help the program participants in having new skills as they learn new knowledge.  Technology is not practical in each context, program planners are known with the options and when to use the technology (34). The other assumption is that I have to build relations. The effectiveness of building relationships through the process of program planning is known as the main part of the planning process.  Developing relations can be easy if the planners think in the same way (Caffarella & Daffron, 2013, pg 35).   




Caffarella, R. S., & Daffron, S. R. (2013). Planning programs for adult learners: A practical guide.


318 Words  1 Pages
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