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College footballers’ unionization

College footballers’ unionization

            The college football team has presented a request for permission to start the process leading to unionization. The presented appeal has already been signed by seventy percent of the football players. The goal was to intensify scholarship and their exposure for sports upon lessening the jeopardy of traumatic brain harm. The issue of unionizing college football players would affect both the public and the private universities while the NLRB has no power over the public organization.

            Having at least thirty percent of the union cards signed would mean another step forward towards their unionization. The union cards were signed but the result might make them to step back for the N.L.R.B. dismissed the petition of the unionizing request. The university’s stand is also against the unionization which was supported by the N.L.R.B. The ruling was a great blow to the college players’ union movement.

            I would recommend that the players assert their rights under the law to make them more acceptable and realistic in presentation. In such a case the president will be in a position to stand by them in their anticipations. However it is said that the ruling was politically good it was it was a loss to the college football players which would have gained them more confidence for competition in the NCAA Division I championship.

I would prefer that the right protocol when after a certain thing in whatever field and also adapt the habit of consultation before going to the next level. This will help by aiding the group with information and plan for the possible hiccups in towards the intended goals. Things would have worked better if the team sat with the responsible heads and decided on even how to create protection measures by themselves instead of going for what was against the jurisdiction.

309 Words  1 Pages
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