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Calvinism and Arminianism


The notion of predestination is being expressed in Calvinism and Arminianism. In calvanism, this notion is being described by the control that God has over the world. It is also applied in salvation referring to the believe of God in appointing eternal destination for salvation and eternal damnation for the sinners (Perriman, 2012). Calvinists believe that salvation is accomplished by the power of God in trinity; the father who chose the people, the son who died for the people and the holy spirit makes the death effective (Mathew 28:19). In Arminianism, salvation is a condition regardless of the belief or unbelief of man (Perriman, 2012). It is also believed that man has no power of saving himself and no one can respond to the will of God and that the power of salvation is the combined efforts of God and man. These aspects therefore articulate predestination.

The theological concepts that are used in this context include sin where it is stated that the reward for it is eternal damnation. They have also used a concept of salvation which is rewarded by eternal destiny (Perriman, 2012). These two concepts can be got in Romans 6:23.


The New Testament eschatology is important in teaching about the New Testament and religion. This, therefore, gives information about the appearance of the Messiah and the execution of his work (Wilberforce & Belmonte, 2006). However, the Jewish theology did not include the days of Messiah, and only gives an introduction about it.

The Christian view of Christianity recommends Christians to live their lives as believers and to shine in the ridden world full of darkness. Christians are required to show prove their faith through their acts (Wilberforce & Belmonte, 2006). It is believed that becoming a Christian makes one’s life new. The practical Christian living is a guideline to Christians on how to maintain the consistent relationship with God based on the power of the holy spirit in order to reach perfection (Mathew 5:48)


Perriman, A. (2012). Coming of the son of man: New testament eschatology for an emerging church. Place of publication not identified: Wipf & Stock Publishers.

Wilberforce, W., & Belmonte, K. C. (2006). A practical view of Christianity. Peabody, Mass: Hendrickson Publishers..


372 Words  1 Pages
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