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Journal - Maslow’s Hierarchy & Me

Topics and Questions We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

READ: The following article on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
https:/ / maslow.html

Write an approx. 500-word response to the talk in which you address the following
• Summarize Maslow’s hierarchy of needs with reference to textbook and handout
• Identify where you believe you are in the hierarchy and explain why.
• Detail a time in your life which you were at a different point.

1. Read assignment instructions
2. Read the article on Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs:
https:/ / maslow.html
a. You don’t need to watch the video on website link
3. Read the section ”A Hierarchy of Needs” in the textbook with this assignment in mind
4. Compose a thoughtful reply to assignment in a word document
5. APA style title headers to distinguish between sections of assignment are required
6. Use APA style internal citations / no need for reference list
7. No cover page should be used and double spacing is not necessary
8. Internal citations are required
9. Use our textbook / assigned readings. Do NOT use outside sources
10. Edit and proofread document
11. Keep a copy for your records
12. Edit for formatting issues

Expanded Instructions
First, in your own words – and with reference to the textbook chapter and the handout - provide an overview of the five levels in Maslow's hierarchy of needs and discuss what you consider to be its most important aspects. (In your summary be sure to discuss how the handout expands on what is provided on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs in the textbook). Next describe where you feel you are currently are in this hierarchy and explain why. Make sure you show me that you understand this hierarchy and its levels. Finally, describe a time in which you were at a higher or lower point.

318 Words  1 Pages
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