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When is obedience to authority a good thing and when is it bad? What can be done to prevent people from obeying commands to engage in truly deplorable behavior such as atrocities and massacres?

Topics and Questions We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Write a 5-6 page paper in which you respond to all of the following:
When is obedience to authority a good thing and when is it bad? What can be done to prevent people from obeying commands to engage in truly deplorable behavior such as atrocities and massacres?
Imagine you are commissioned to create an ad to sell a new product. Provide an example of an ad that would rely on the central route. Provide an example of an ad that would rely on the peripheral route.
Provide an example of people criticizing groups without knowing anything about them. Was it prejudice, applying stereotypes, and/or discrimination? Why?
Consider the various causes of aggression described in this module and elsewhere, and discuss whether they can be changed to reduce aggression, and, if so, how.

144 Words  1 Pages
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