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Write a paper (2,000-2,250 words) that places theories of learning, leadership, assessment, and accountability in the appropriate historic and philosophic context for application in teaching and learning. Be sure to include the following:

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Paper Instructions:

Write a paper (2,000-2,250 words) that places theories of learning, leadership, assessment, and accountability in the appropriate historic and philosophic context for application in teaching and learning. Be sure to include the following:
1. An analysis of the history and philosophy of teaching and learning. Which individuals and events had the greatest influence on current philosophies of teaching and learning? Why? (Benchmarks Philosophy of Teaching and Learning 1.1: Analyze the history and philosophy of teaching and learning.)
2. A discussion of historic and current theories of leadership as they are applied to teaching and learning. How do leadership theories influence classroom practice?
3. A discussion of the philosophic relationship between assessment and accountability for teaching and learning. How does accountability influence assessment? How does accountability influence teaching and learning? (Benchmarks Philosophy of Teaching and Learning 1.3: Analyze the relationship between assessment and accountability.)
4. A discussion that synthesizes theories of learning, leadership, assessment, and accountability by placing them in the appropriate historic and philosophic context for application to teaching and learning

188 Words  1 Pages
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