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Why gun control is a religious issue

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Paper Instructions:

Write a 500-word analysis paper. • Directions: Below you will find links to two articles on a controversial moral issue. Select one of these articles and write a critical analysis of the author’s reasoning. Be sure to cite your sources using the MLA style. o Read both of the following articles and select one to analyze: o § James Martin, Why gun control is a religious issue § Marko Kloos, The Gun is Civilization • Using the methods of creative and critical thinking developed in this course, carefully analyze and criticize the article you have selected. Discuss whether the author of the article proves his/her conclusion by the reasoning he/she uses to back it up. This involves the following analytical activities: • o Checking for fallacies in the author′s premises, o § Exposing mistaken assumptions, § Suggesting a creative solution to the main problem you find with the author′s view. § Checking for accuracy of factual claims, § Showing that there are objections to the author′s argument that the author fails to address, § Determining whether the evidence provided is sufficient to establish the conclusion § Suggesting a creative solution to the main problem you find with the author′s view.

211 Words  1 Pages
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