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Examine the fundamental impact of demographics and technology on contemporary adult learning overall. Speculate on the potential impact that either demographics or technology changes might exert in shaping the trajectory of adult education ten (10) years

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

*This is a discussion questions* 

"Adult Learning in Contemporary Society"  Please respond to the following:

Examine the fundamental impact of demographics and technology on contemporary adult learning overall. Speculate on the potential impact that either demographics or technology changes might exert in shaping the trajectory of adult education ten (10) years from now. Justify your response.

From the e-Activity, examine Marshall McLuhan’s half-century- old perspective of technology’s role in influencing learning within the global village—a concept McLuhan had coined. Next, evaluate the relevance of McLuhan’s pronouncements in relation to technology’s fundamental role in adult education policies and practices within today’s global village.

Link for e-activity:

"Learning Settings and Organizational Opportunities"  Please respond to the following:

From the e-Activity, debate or critique the assertion made that technology-based informal learning is more style than substance. Indicate which of the experts participating in the video made the case that best supports your argument. Justify your response.

Analyze key reasons why certain adults do not avail themselves of adult education opportunities. Propose two (2) strategies that your current or prospective post-secondary learning environment could leverage in order to encourage the participation in organizational learning overall. Provide a rationale for your response.

Link for e-activity:

219 Words  1 Pages
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