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Conquest of the Western United States during the late-nineteenth century

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Paper Instructions:

Conquest of the Western United States during the late-nineteenth century. While Theodore Roosevelt offers his perspective of life “out West” in the excerpt from Ranch Life and the Hunting Trail, and describes the many attributes it affords him, life for Native Americans at the time was much different. Using the three other sources that come from Native American voices­­–Black Elk, Francis La Flesche, and those interviewed after the Massacre at Wounded Knee in 1890–do the following: Identify a minimum of three ways that the United States government changed the lives of Native Americans through the actions that are documented within the readings. Using specific examples from all three sources, explain why you believe the United States government acted as it did towards the Indigenous people of North America. What were its goals? How did they permanently reshape the lives Native Americans living in the Western United States? Responses should be a paragraph of approximately three to four complete sentences for each prompt. Be sure to specify which sources you are analyzing within your response, and provide examples from them to reinforce your point.

194 Words  1 Pages
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