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Why did President Kennedy order a naval blockade over the other options?

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:

Here are the guidelines for the final paper:

Length:    No shorter than 1,500 and no longer than 1,700 words. I shall not grade a paper that does not meet this requirement. It will receive a zero.

The paper must use a minimum of two primary and two secondary sources. The latter should be articles from the databases—for example JSTOR—on  the library’s homepage.

Mechanics:    More than three errors in writing, for example spelling, grammar, etc.: Automatic 5 point deduction. More than three errors in punctuation: Automatic 5 point deduction. More than three errors in citation forma: Automatic 5 point deduction. (Citation must be in correct Chicago Style.) 

Use only footnotes. Do not attach a “works cited page.” For subsequent citations in the notes, consult the online guide we have used.

Preferred Structure:

1.    Introduction/Thesis
2.    Review of Secondary Literature (Historiography. Any sense of how views have changed over time? Do you see a particular school of interpretation in your secondary authors, for example “history from below?”
3.    Argument integrating primary and secondary sources.
4.    Conclusion

188 Words  1 Pages
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