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In what way was the experience of Nazi occupation in Czechoslovakia similar to the experience of the country under the consolidation of Communist rule?

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:

Please respond to the following question using ONLY Heda Kovaly’s Under a Cruel Star:

In what way was the experience of Nazi occupation in Czechoslovakia similar to the experience of the country under the consolidation of Communist rule? 

Your papers should be 3 - 4 pages in length (750 – 1000 words) and use quotes from the assigned reading.  Pay attention to grammar, style, and spelling in your writing.  I will be deducting points for the following errors:

use of first or second case (I, me, we, our)
incorrect spelling of author and/or book title
use of contractions
obvious lack of proofreading

111 Words  1 Pages
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