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Compare and contrast the views of Malthaus and Ricardo with the views of Shaftesbury, Bentham and Mill. Analyze the reasons for any similarities and differences between these groups.

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:

Compare and contrast the views of Malthaus and Ricardo with the views of Shaftesbury, Bentham and Mill. Analyze the reasons for any similarities and differences between these groups.

Your answer need not be any longer than the answer you would write for an in-class exam.
• Your exam must be handed in via Showbie in PDF format by 2:21 PM on April 10. You
should not submit your paper in any other manner unless you receive express permission to do so. If your paper is not submitted properly, it will be considered late. This means that improperly submitted papers will lose a full letter grade.
• Late Papers: Papers received in the first 24 hours after the time they are due will be received, but be docked one full letter grade. Papers received after this will receive a grade of zero.
• Remember that absence is not a valid excuse. You are still expected to hand in your paper on time. In a case of extreme illness, email me to let me know what is going on.
• Extensions will be granted only in extreme cases. If you wish to have an extension, please see me in advance. Last-minute requests will not be granted except in the most serious of circumstances.
• Proofread. Poorly-written essays will keep you from doing as well as you can.
• Don't plagiarize the textbook. You do not need to use any outside sources, but if you do, cite
them properly.

255 Words  1 Pages
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