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Women's Rights, including abortion, pro-life, pro-choice

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer 

  1. Provide a summary of the issue by also including different viewpoints. Also, how did this issue get on the public agenda?
    b. What is your position on this issue?
    c. What policies (laws, regulations, actions) have government officials
    (elected/non-elected) already implemented to address this issue? Do you agree with the policies? Why or why not?
    d. What other policies, if any, should be further implemented by the government?
    e. What actions could you take as a political activist to ensure your voice is heard and that appropriate policies are put into effect?
    Sources/Works Cited Page: The paper must include a minimum of ten sources and all  sources must be documented within your paper using MLA (Modern Language Association) guidelines. Furthermore, the sources must be fully documented on a “Works Cited Page” and the following sources are prohibited for use in this paper:
    a. Wikipedia
    b. Class textbook
    c. The use of the same source (Example: more than once
170 Words  1 Pages
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