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History of Human Resource

    1. Identify the development of the HR function through the eras (1800, 1920, 1930, 1970, 1980 &2011).
      Please support the identification with graphs and facts.
  • History of Human Resource
    • 1800-1920, labor unions
    • 1920-1930, maintain welfare of workers
    • 1930-1970, emphasis on social and informal aspects, compensation administration and formation of organizations
    • 1970-1980, Passage of Title VII of the Civil Rights Acts
    • 1980-2011, increase of in number of organization, globalization of business, use of strategic plans.
    •             According to the graph below, the rate of development has increased gradually. Taking an example of the first development rate of HRM being 20 per cent, increase in development is due to the facts that are explain below the graph.
  • .2. Explain on each above stage identified the evolution of HRM
    •             1800-1920, labor unions became more powerful due to the impact of industrialization. A welfare movement was established in order to bring change in business ethics. The movement resulted to a change in the way the employers viewed workers as people who do not deserve respect to important persons in the business world. Fredric Taylor established the scientific management method of selecting workers by considering their qualifications. The first corporate employment department that was created to cater for issues that corned the welfare of employee (Swanson & Holton 48).
    •             1920-1930, this period indicates the beginning of development of disciplines in industrial psychology. Many organizations started to honor the ethical rules of business. Organizations started maintaining discipline on the issues of workers. On this period, there was a positive improvement on the process of hiring employees. HRM was bolstered as a professional discipline during this period by the passage of the Wagner Act in the United States organizations (Swanson & Holton 49).  
    •             1930-1970, Hawthorne views began to be employed in the management system of many organizations. The studies of Hawthorne brought positive impacts in the social and informal aspects of the business environment. The issues affecting employees in their working environment start being solved. Organizations started considering that the more they improve the job satisfaction of workers, the more they will get profits (Swanson & Holton 54). Unions started negotiating various issues like insurance coverage. Greater emphasis put on strengthening the relationship within the personnel departments of many organizations. In the United States increase in membership of the unions led to the change in the personnel departments. The fight against oppression of workers became the dominant concerns during this period. Many regulations were made concerning the HRM movement with the aim of enforcing fare treatment on workers (Swanson & Holton 50).
    •             1970-1980, Passage of the Title VII of the Civil Rights Acts and other legislations that favored the civil rights took place. The Title VII prohibits the discrimination of employees that existed in many organizations. It was the obligation of human resource management to ensure that there was the passage of CRA. The human resource management was also fighting for equal opportunities while employing new workers (Sims 179).
    • 1980-2011, increase in the many organizations that fight for regulations to be impacted in the labor force in terms of age, gender and ethnicity. During this period, the HRM develop from affirmative action on the issue of expressing its concerns to the level of managing diversity. Globalization of the business world occurs during this period. There is also the revolution in technology during this period. Dramatic change occurs in the communication industry. In addition to this, there is also the dramatic change in the transportation industry. The focus on HRM as a strategic function developed during this period. The issue of strategic planning becomes one of the main targets in the management of every organization. Strategic plans are always employed in the first priorities of an organization in order to cope with the increased competition on the business world (Sims 178).
      3. Identify the nature of modern strategic HRM (4 example are required)
    • Employment contract
    •       There is the changing nature of employment contract in the modern human resource management. The change in the full-time contract of workers that was traditional used has taken the role in the structure of the modern strategic management. Nowadays, employees are given the opportunity to work on a contract basis. Employees can choose the hours they are comfortable to report on work (Saiyadain 441).
    • Rewarding of employees
    •       The reward strategy is being used by many organizations in modern days in order to increase the working rate of employees. An organization provides strategies of rewarding employees as a method of motivating them. This strategy provides the organization to have a competitive edge of which it retains the level of the required skills. The rewarding strategy enables the organization to obtain the value for its resources from the reward practices (Saiyadain 77).
    • Evaluating of training
    •       Training of employees is a significant role of human resource management in modern business world. Organizations are putting much energy on training of new employees in order to get positive outcomes. Organizations are also offering refresher courses to the old employees in order to help them cope with the modern technology. Evaluating on development is another strategy that is being employed in the modern Human Resource Management system (Saiyadain 407).
    • Performance Approach
    •       Organizations set their mechanism of achieving goals through performance approach. The Human Resource Management is using the best-practice approach because the best outcomes of human participation will result in making more profits. According to human resource, there is a believe that the using the best-fit approach will result in formulating the policies of an organization (Saiyadain 20).
    • Works Cited
    • Saiyadain. Human Resources Management. New York: Tata McGraw-Hill Education, 2009. Print.
    • Sims Ronald. Human resource development: today and tomorrow. New York: IAP, 2006.      Print.
    • Swanson Richard & Holton Elwood. Foundations of Human Resource Development. New    York: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2009. Print.
952 Words  3 Pages
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