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SCENARIO: You are a poor but respectable young woman from East Anglia. You are intelligent, literate and a good worker but there are no good opportunities for employment at home or even in London. You want more out of life and hope to get ahead in the w

Questions we Can Help you to Answer

Paper Instructions:

SCENARIO: You are a poor but respectable young woman from East Anglia.  You are intelligent, literate and a good worker but there are no good opportunities for employment at home or even in London.  You want more out of life and hope to get ahead in the world.  Therefore, you have decided to take your chances as an indentured servant in the English colonies.  After your period of indenture, you hope to settle down and get married.  Which colony do you choose? Why? (Note: you should consider social, economic, and political reasons and mention how your colony is different/better than the others)
a.Massachusetts Bay


Use only the materials provided in the course module or your assigned textbooks.  We have vetted all materials in this course and other materials may or may not be appropriate for college level work. I will downgrade anyone who uses outside materials.
Remember what you have learned about thesis statements and evidence in the Historical Analysis materials.  Your post should have a thesis statement and it should have both primary and secondary source evidence in support of the thesis
Don't quote secondary sources.  Paraphrase in your own words and then cite instead.
You must properly cite using the Turabian/Chicago style that you can find under "Writing Help" in the course menu to your left

Review relevant parts of Chapter 2
Chapter 3, Sections 3 and 4
Chapter 4, Introduction and Sections 1 and 2 

258 Words  1 Pages
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