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One of the critical jobs of a professional in the historical field, whether educator, curator, nonprofit leader, etc. is to be able to effectively share historical information in an engaging and persuasive manner. For our project, you will create a Prezi

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:
One of the critical jobs of a professional in the historical field, whether educator, curator, nonprofit leader, etc. is to be able to effectively share historical information in an engaging and persuasive manner. For our project, you will create a Prezi presentation designed to present an argument to persuade either UN members or groups associated with the UN. 
Examples of a Prezi-

(Go to to begin your Prezi- you can open a free account using your email. When you create a new Prezi, the list of templates will appear. )
Minimum of 9 frames in your Prezi.
Word minimums are hard to decipher when doing a Prezi but if you do it on paper first and then transform it to your Prezi, your final product excluding title page and bibliography will be between 1400-1500 words. (With a Prezi, all your words will be right on the slide so make it readable – not only will I view this but so will your classmates.)
You are to have visuals throughout your Prezi and a link to at least one video.
You need to reference anything that is not your idea.
You will need a minimum of 5 sources. Three of these sources are to come from the APUS Library. All sources are to be journals or books, NO dictionaries or encyclopedias. When formatting your source make sure you include the links (the original links from the APUS Library)
Formatting is to be done in CMS. Be sure you have a frame to serve as you title page and close with a bibliography. You may create a frame or you may create a word document and insert it.  
Please note, just as with a paper, your topic with have a time period focus, but your sources, visuals, etc are not limited to that time period.  For example, you are welcome to use a clip from a video made after the Cold War, as long as the video is relevant to your presentation. 

Topic Choices (all must focus on UN issues during the Cold War)
Africa/Asian region (select any African/Asian region)- using the "Road Ahead"  template, create a presentation to convince the IMF  how the UN could have best assisted decolonization and support economic development of your selected region during the Cold War
Geneva Convention/Genocide- using the "Investigation Wall" template, create a 'legal argument' to the ICC persuading them to try a historical figure from the Cold War period for violating the Geneva Convention or participating in genocide activities (you may select the individual-- living or dead)
Israel and Palestine- Using the "Blueprint" template, create a plan to present to the UN General Assembly for a two state solution in Israel circa 1950
Republic of China and the People’s Republic of China-Using the  "From Roots to Results" template, explain the origins of the 'two Chinas' and their roles in the UN to a group of new UN delegates during the Cold War
Arms Race- Using the "World Map" template, create a presentation to explain to a UN Secretary General during the Cold War the threats to global security created by the arms race, highlighting the threat in various geographic locations
Iran/Iraq war- Using the "Timeline" template, explain to a group of NGO volunteers at the close of the Cold War preparing to go to Iran or Iraq how this war began and the eventual results. 

583 Words  2 Pages
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