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why the Americans declared two wars against England and how they won both of them.

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

In the aftermath of the Seven Years War in America, American colonists felt great pride in their contributions to the war effort and in belonging to the most powerful empire on the globe: the British Empire.  A minister in Boston foretold that British North America (this included the 13 colonies) would become, in “another century or two, a mighty empire.”  But he quickly added, “not an independent one.”  Within 15 years, however, those American colonists revolted, declared their independence from England, and waged a long war to create a new nation.  Moreover, within a generation of winning their independence, the Americans fought a second major war against England.  Your task in this second paper assignment is to explain 
1)    Why did the Americans declare TWO wars against England and 
2)    How were the Americans able to be victorious on both occasions.  

In developing your paper, you should focus on a few key questions: 
1) As the relationship between the colonies and the mother country deteriorated throughout the 1760s-1770s, what is the ONE critical event that made the American Revolution inevitable and why?

2) How did this critical event influence the creation of a new government (the Constitution) for the United States?

3) Some historians have referred to the War of 1812 as the “Second War for American Independence.”  Do you agree with this claim? Clearly explain your position of why or why not. (For example, were there similar grievances for both wars, similar goals, similar strategies, similar outcomes, etc.?)

Your paper must have an argument that clearly explains your position.  In other words, you must clearly explain (and support with the historical evidence) why the Americans declared two wars against England and how they won both of them.  (Just a HINT: “The Americans won two wars against the British because they wanted it more” is NOT an argument, so please do not go down this path).  You must also underline that argument.  If you cannot clearly explain your position, and underline that argument, how do you expect your TA to know your argument?  Your paper will be penalized if you do not underline your argument.  
Your paper must be grounded in the historical evidence provided in lecture and course readings (Davidson, (e-book) U.S. History: A Narrative, or After the Fact).  Evidence must be cited using footnotes/endnotes.  Any use of internet sources or texts not assigned for this course will result in an F on the assignment and may be grounds for Academic Misconduct.  Using a friend’s paper from last semester WILL result in an F for the course and a file with Academic Affairs (for you and your friend).  Please keep in mind that you cannot write a good paper if you begin the paper on the due date.  Papers that read like rough drafts, a stream of consciousness, or are copy/pastes of lecture/textbook will receive grades that reflect the lack of effort put into them.  You would not begin to study for a midterm exam hours before the exam- so do not wait until the last minute to begin/complete this major course assignment.
Your paper must be 5 full pages in length, 12 pt font, Times New Roman, double-spaced, and 1” margins (be sure to check the default settings in your word program).  It is due before 11:00 pm Monday October 30.  You must submit this paper to the “Paper Assignment #2” link on the lecture course home page of blackboard.  No emailed papers to the TA or instructor will be accepted.
Late papers will be penalized 10 points per 24 hours.  Papers will no longer be accepted after the beginning of class Thursday 2 November.

623 Words  2 Pages
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