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Thomas Jefferson

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Paper Instructions:

My scholar is Thomas Jefferson and need to make connections to scholars such as John Dewy, Booker T. Washington, and W.E.B. DuBois.***  

12-page research paper on a specific scholar in education outlining the biography of the scholar, the 
scholar’s educational philosophy, connections to our in-class scholars and to the student’s own 
developing philosophy in a historical and/or philosophical context (see list of scholars at end of 

In order to correctly acknowledge another scholar’s ideas in class assignments, correct citations are 
required. Students may use a familiar format; however education is considered a social science and 
educational journals use the APA (American Psychological Association),  Regardless of the selected citation 
format, students need to acknowledge the source within the text, using footnotes or endnotes and 
references at the end of the text. A bibliography is expected in all research papers. You are encouraged 
to read the original articles rather than abstracts or reviews. (This applies to all submitted papers that 
require research). 

Select a scholar or policy maker from the attached list for research. The paper can support the treatise of 
the scholar, support it with reservation, oppose the treatise wholly or in part, or make recommendations 
on the treatise. The paper should include the following: 
1. A biography of the scholar as it relates to their philosophy. 
2. A clearly defined educational philosophy that incorporates their views on American society and its 
schooling practices. 
3. Connections to our in-class scholars as stated in the syllabus. 
4. An action plan, where candidates will design and articulate a personal philosophy of teaching that 
identifies similarities and differences with the selected scholar. How does the scholar address the 
Secondary School of Education’s (SEED) Conceptual Framework: Collaboration, Social Justice, 
Diversity and Critical Self-Reflection? How does the candidate and the scholar’s treatise relate to the 
new Common Core Standards and edTPA: A candidate’s teaching philosophy can be a set of beliefs 
about the purposes of schooling, how children learn, the roles and responsibilities of teachers and 
students. It should guide the actions we take as teachers. 

Students are encouraged to utilize library texts, articles, and the internet for scholarly secondary sources. 
You are also encouraged to read the original articles rather than abstracts or reviews of commercial 
pieces (Yahoo, Google, etc.) This is not a book review. 

395 Words  1 Pages
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