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Religion Was A Significant Factor In The Development Of Early World Civilization

Religion Was A Significant Factor In The Development Of Early World Civilization


The characteristics constituting a civilization and its social structure have a solid foundation on religion. The social fabric and cultural traditions of ancient civilizations have deep roots entrenched in religious systems and beliefs. Major religious events and practices create a value system which in turn influence a nation’s authority, Power, formulation of policies and even labor market. Each civilization has an aspect of social arrangement based on jobs, riches, or hierarchy. Furthermore, religious plays a crucial role in civilizations as it gives peoples something to hold on to and rally against an idea. This essay will discuss the political, social, and economic roles religion exerts on people giving rise to civilization and organization in the world. In addition, the essay will carry out an in-depth search on religious practices and their impact on communities.

Correlation Between Religion And Cultural Practices

After the sunset years of cold war, society’s alterations redefined national identities and the underlying meaning of the identities. Global politics began rearranging itself around matters religion and cultural lines (Grayson 2013. 22-26). For instance, upside down flags indicated a transition of beliefs and values governing a nation’s people and institutions. In the post-cold war, symbols associated with cultural recognition were crosses, prayers, and priests. Priests would involve themselves in patching up a country’s weaknesses. In other words, exposing culture brings along religious beliefs on board. Hence, one cannot address culture without religion emerging from the same talk. In end, religion influences culture through beliefs and practices in order to foster integration, and resolving conflicts in the society. In summary, through culture religion gained the momentum to bring peace and order, insight on social interactions and predict future politics.

Reasons Religion Played An Essential Role in Early civilizations

During the course of human’s history of civilization, religion had an impeccable influence and role in the formation of major societies. A number of reasons explain the underlying motive of religion in early civilization (Grayson 2013. 26-28). However, the most arguable reason may be faith in something or a divine authority gives human beings hope and a focused purpose to organize themselves in line with moral upright values and instills disciple consequently leading to civilized communities. This reason evidenced among persecuted individuals who have a steadfast belief, which then enables them to persevere during hardships and the persecutions. For example Christians, Jews and some sections of the Islam communities portraying perseverance trait.


The Bible suggests that Abraham made an agreement with God in the first book, Genesis. From Abraham, the Jewish people came into being. The Jewish account for around 14milion people in the entire world. In histories, the Jewish people experienced persecution from all corners of the world due to their faith. The Babylonians destroyed the Jewish Temple situated in Jerusalem in 586BC (Herzog 2011, 67). More so, the Nazis killed and isolated them in camps during 20th century but these persecutions did not stop their spirit to move on and continue with their faith. In fact, the Jewish communities became more cohesive and solidified over the years with an aim of reconstructing the nation of Israel. In 1948, Israel gains its respect as a sovereign nation. However, the trials and tribulations of the Jews did not come to a stop after establishing Israel state. The Jewish state has many adversaries, conflict, and sometimes, frustrated political situations. In summary, the Jewish people are a good example of nation birthed from religious beliefs and traditions passed from one generation to another.


Christians is the largest religions in the world. They outnumber members of other religions all over the world. Over an estimated one third of the world is Muslim. Early Christians experiences persecutions under the Roman rule. Constantine came into power in 312 and put an end to Christian persecutions. Mores so, he gave out the Edict of Milan which permitted integration of Christians into the Roman communities. St Paul led the early church and later, popes took the role of leadership played by Paul until reformation took place in Europe, during the 16th century (Herzog 2011, 121). There was a split in the church due to corruption and abuse of power, hence a split occurred, and some members formed the protestant group separate from the main Catholic Church. Martin Luther led the protestant group out of the Catholic Church. In the end, other early civilizations arose from the protestant group spreading the Christian beliefs everywhere to other nations. In modern day society, the traditions and values systems of Christians constitute the education and even the legal system. For example, Easter is a holiday in most Christian nations.


This religion occurred in the 7th century. Prophet Muhammad is the central figure in Islam. The roots of Islam evidenced in early Arabian worlds via architecture and dressing of long robes (Spielvogel 2014, 78). The Muslim religion has an estimated 2.2 million members all over the globe. Muhammad preached to thousands of people during the religion’s early days in 613AD. The wealthy Arabian elite hated Muhammad because Muhammad empathize with the poor people a within the Arabian society. Moreover, he condemned idolatry and immorality within the Arabian world. In the ends, his teachings spread everywhere in the Arab world and early civilizations arose from the teachings of the prophet and other principles aligned to Muslim religion and culture. Countries such as Iran have Sharia laws governing the country’s daily activities.

Significance Of Religion In Establishing Early Civilizations

The role of religion in shaping culture and traditions present in early civilizations cannot go unnoticed. If anything is the significance objective of religion. For whatever reasons, humans always felt the necessity to hinge their purpose in life on something supreme and unexplainable. Therefore, through hope, religion formed societies and was a rock upon which nations came into being. In most early civilizations, there was an aspect of state-run religion driving the whole nation into submission and obedience. In some communities, kingship or aristocratic leadership facilitated religion influence over its people (Spielvogel 2014, 118). For example, kings claimed that God himself appointed them into the position of power they occupied, to command respect and deal with opposition effectively. Hence, in one way or another religion was able to bring about peace and political stability. Another example are the pharaohs of Egypt, they were divine even though some of them failed in executing their leadership role. In fact, the kings did nothing to earn their divinity. In other words, religion once against strengthened the image of leadership, giving elites power over their servants consequently facilitating construction of empires and various forms of government. If a person in power can channel religion power through the political systems, they are unstoppable.

It is obvious that religion gathers more than simple divinity as explained above. There is the element of life after death in each religion (Rist 2014, 138). Although it is true that gods or deities affect the lives of ordinary individuals in the society, the promise of life after death has a pendulum effect on people and can channel their energy into useful tasks resulting to civilization. For example, religious leaders have immense power in the society due to their ability to interpret religious teachings. Concentration of power many a times resulted to obedience and emergence of leadership skills that built ancient civilizations on the back of people who were hostage to the fear of death. On the other hand, the concepts of life after death in religion usually creates a series of cultural values and systems that dictate lifestyle, hopes and even activities people engage in an the manner in which they handle themselves. Then, the cultural morals pass from generation to generation. For further illustration, the Egyptians religion lasted for more than 100years and maintained states, years after years.

Construction of Political, Social And economic Systems

 Although religion vary from one place to another, the grip religion had on the early civilizations still appear in today’s world. People who claim that religion did not play a major part in the establishment of ancient civilizations rely on agriculture, trade, and social stratifications to forward their argument (Lipner 2012, 105). However, when ancient political and social systems are under evaluation, religion is a central factor that helps the wheels of human society turn. For example, ancient civilizations relied on religion to hold other aspects of civilization together via belies and behavior. As more people shared a common belief and values, then it was easier to form a way of life and establish a set of tradition to govern their lives and practices. More so, people who were strangers would unite as long as they shared common religious perspectives leading to common social structure, political systems, and conceptualization of ethics and even judicial systems.

It is common to witness the combination of politics and religion. Some scholars may argue that the two are associated together and inseparable (Lipner 2012, 97). In ancient societies, religious leaders would sometimes enter into the political systems and influence the entire society. In other contexts, religious leader would only play religious roles and not double as political leaders. Whatever the case, religion always supported political systems of ancient civilizations. The same applied today.

Both political and religious systems solidify laws and through them generate social systems within which people dwell in obedience to the laws and other necessary stipulations. Political leaders have the ability to make crucial decisions in line with the moral obligations of the religious systems (Lipner 2012, 105). Simply put religion makes up the fabric of ancient civilizations. Furthermore, a keen look into the history proves that Kingship had a divine component to it. The sacredness linked to kings legitimized power of a leader. The ideal of legitimizing power via religion was a universal concept widely utilized by various civilizations.

In summary, religion played a huge part in setting up beliefs, values, and principles, which in turn influenced behaviors of people. The connection between religion and culture is an ingredient for the establishment of many ancient civilizations. Religions influences practices and sets the pace for implementation of laws that later govern civilizations.










Grayson, James H. Korea-A religious history. Routledge, 2013.

Herzog, Jonathan P. The spiritual-industrial complex: America's religious battle against communism in the early Cold War. Oxford University Press, 2011.

Lipner, Julius. Hindus: Their religious beliefs and practices. Routledge, 2012.

Rist, Gilbert. The history of development: From western origins to global faith. Zed Books Ltd., 2014.

Spielvogel, Jackson J. Western civilization. Cengage Learning, 2014.

1760 Words  6 Pages
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