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American Nazi Discourse Community

Bell, Leland V. In Hitler's shadow: The Anatomy Of American Nazism. Kennikat Press, 1974.

Leland V. Bell, Associate Professor of History, provides the detailed information on the attempts of the American Nazi to influence the politics of the US and interfere with the Nazi ideology. The American Nazi Party (ANP) is considered to be the first large political party in the USA adhering to Nazi ideology. It was founded on March 8, 1959, by the veteran of World War II and the Korean War, the sea pilot, the lieutenant colonel George Lincoln Rockwell. After the precise examination of Hitler’s works, Rockwell accepted the Nazi point of view, denied the Holocaust. Moreover, he considered that America in the twentieth century was under Jewish control. Analyzing the values and actions of the American Nazi Party, Professor Bell allocates the reasons of their failure. The principal slogan of American Nazi was the same as the appeal of members of the Ku Klux Klan - “to clean America from blacks”. They regarded the racial purity as the primary value. The author adds that Nazism created a ‘world stronghold of democracy’ by addressing challenges associated with racial, religion and national tolerance. Religious intolerance and nationalisms was catastrophic but the Nazi party addressed these issues and created a democratic world.

 Bell, Leland V. “The Failure of Nazism in America: The German American Bund, 1936-1941.” Political Science Quarterly, vol. 85, no. 4, 1970, pp. 585–599. The Academy of Political Science, doi:10.2307/2147597. Accessed 24 Sept. 2017.

The Failure of Nazism in America by Leland Bell is another well-developed piece that explains the Nazist activity and its consequences. Bell explains that Nazism is often presented as an exclusively German phenomenon. However, the author notices that racism and anti-Semitism had a western origin and even partially North American roots. The racist “scientific” doctrines and also political and legal practice of the USA were of high interest to the German Nazis. The American adherents of eugenics and racism inspired Hitler. Henry Ford is highly congratulated by the Third Reich figures for the good work of supporting Nazi parties in this publication. Also, active development of eugenics in America was often explained by presence the presence of the "black" population that forced white people improvement of race systematically.

 Moreover, as the bell assumes, the tradition of "legal designing" of races is characteristic of the US. Owing to the historical reasons, connected including with traditions of slavery, the United States became the only state which was officially applying in own territory the racial classification as a basis for granting the civil rights. The American experience gives fine an opportunity to return to the analysis of the Nazism sources rooting in the history of Modern times and also unrecognized continuity between it and nearby political the practicing western – including democratic – societies. This source clearly explains the historical processes connected with German and American racism and its influence on the American Nazi Party activity.

Bernstein, Arnie. Swastika Nation: Fritz Kuhn and the Rise and Fall of the German-American Bund. St. Martin’s Press, 2013.

The author in this book explains that American Nazi Party, as the separate extremist community, legally conducted the meetings and congresses, hired the new members and expressed the radical opinion according to the solution of the racial question on pages of newspapers and magazines. The authorities of the United States did not hurry to take the reciprocal actions in spite of the fact that the similar organizations support very extreme views considering such views, dreaming about the Swastika Nation.

The author states that many people thought that American could not address the challenges related with racial prejudice. Remarkably, U.S has used strategies to address these challenges to an extent of selected a black President. However, it did not mean the long-awaited unity of the three-hundred-fourteen-million American nation.   As Arnie Bernstein notes in his own research, such unity was not accomplished due to several historical factors. American Nazi Party was the community which forced the racial issues to be transformed and has got the very interesting forms. The word “racism” in the US country generally was understood as the imposed psychological postulate on domination of white race over black people. It is extremely difficult to allocate other manifestations of similar intolerance and hostility. Such situation inevitably generated the next surge of activity of the ultra-nationalistic organizations of in the United States.

Clark, Charles S. “An American Nazi Rise And fall.” American History, vol. 40, no. 6, 2006, pp. 60–66. EBSCOhost, Accessed 24 Sept. 2017.

In an American Nazi Rise And fall Charles S. Clark explains the main reasons of American Nazi Party (ANP) failure as a community and its further development after the George Rockwell death.  The book provides important information to the reader that after Rockwell’s murder, in ranks of the party, there was a split. Then, National Socialist White People's Party (NSWPP) was left by Frank Collin who framed in the 1970th year of National Socialist Party of America and professor of the Oregon University William Luther Pierce, who wrote the ledger of the American Nazis - the novel “Turner's Diaries”. Later, he founded National alliance.

Clark offers an account of Matt Koel and his role in the American Nazi Party by stating that he was an iconic figure of Nazi party of the USA who held the post of the head of NSWPP.   In the book, the reader will gain a comprehensive understanding of how he managed to inhale the new life in the American far-right movements and to attract new supporters: members of the Ku Klux Klan and also citizens with extreme views, both the left and right direction. The Nazi party had widely branched civil networks, and it guaranteed their existence throughout more half a century. Matt Koel renamed the organization and moved it to Wisconsin. In the 2000th years on the basis of European American Education Association ANP was restored.

Obermayer, Herman J. American Nazi Party in Arlington, Virginia, 1958-1984. Herman J. Obermayer, 2012.

Herman J. Obermayer in the book American Nazi Party in Arlington, Virginia, 1958-1984 presents the information about the foundation of the American Nazi Party (ANP) and pays attention to the development of the Nazism in America and its roots. Obermayer also explains that the American Nazi Party is an extreme right wing of the anti-Semitic racist group which was diligently imitating Fascist party of Germany of the period of World War II. According to their own promotion, the American Nazi Party was the legal political and educational organization caring for maintaining the white race and its purity, the Aryan republic and Western European cultural heritage. The author also provides the clear historical background and details about the American Nazi Party location.  He gives a special analysis based on its headquarters and the structure. This source is the example of the unbiased point of view considering the existing of the ANP in the context of the US political system of the twentieth century.

Simonelli, Frederick J. American Fuehrer: George Lincoln Rockwell And The American Nazi Party. University of Illinois Press, 1999.

Frederick Simonelli is famous for his thorough work considering the George Lincoln Rockwell personality. Simonelli provides detailed information about ANP founder’s life.  He states that in spite of the successful military career, Rockwell was dismissed in US Navies after the creation of the party.  The reader is introduced to the political impulse apparent in modem history.  The author says that the political impulse is represented by fascism and Nazism and the problems the pose modern societies.  Generally, the book offers a historical connection and the connection between his role in American racism movement and racism themes in modern society. The author provides verve and a clarity information in offering Rockwell’s subject.


Further, the author says that on January 1, 1967, George Rockwell proclaimed the new stage in the party development. He changed the official name to National Socialist White People's Party. The provocative slogan “Sieg Heil” was changed to “White Power”. The strategy of the organization focused on the universal white nationalism. On August 5, 1967, the leader of NSWPP died. The former party member, John Patler, shot from K-96 Mauser twice at a windshield of Chevrolet which was driven by Rockwell. One of the bullets broke off the main arteries of the heart, and Rockwell died in a couple of minutes. Rockwell’s murder has exited America. One has apprehended this message with pleasure, others with chagrin. However, politicians of the US understood that with Rockwell’s death the Nazi movement would not stop the existence.

Simonelli, Frederick J. “The American Nazi Party, 1958–1967.” The Historian, vol. 57, no. 3, 1995, pp. 553–566. University of Nevada, Accessed 24 Sept. 2017.

According to Simonelli, the American Nazi Party helped the Ku Klux Klan, but after their way dispersed. Rockwell considered that the Ku Klux Klan is too conservative in the actions and is incapable of fighting in modern conditions. Recently, some quite specific American organizations and lineal heirs of the Ku Klux Klan such as “White American knights”, “The Aryan nations” and also the National Socialist Movement received the new impulses for the activity. Methods of work of these movements are based on the fundamental principles of racism in the most open form

Simonelli shows that the American Nazi Party was a supporter of eugenics captivated by Nazi rhetoric concerning of “racial hygiene”. It was the influential group of the different people who have not moderated the enthusiasm according to the issue. Studying of the relations between the members of American Nazi Party community allows the author to reveal the numerous aspects of use of the American eugenics achievements, in particular, the effective immigration policy combining the ethnic and eugenic principles of selection and also progress of the American eugenics movement in pushing through of the laws allowing violent sterilization.



Works Cited

Bell, Leland V. In Hitler's shadow: The Anatomy Of American Nazism. Kennikat Press, 1974.

Bell, Leland V. “The Failure of Nazism in America: The German American Bund, 1936-1941.” Political Science Quarterly, vol. 85, no. 4, 1970, pp. 585–599. The Academy of Political Science, doi:10.2307/2147597. Accessed 24 Sept. 2017.

Bernstein, Arnie. Swastika Nation: Fritz Kuhn and the Rise and Fall of the German-American Bund. St. Martin’s Press, 2013.

Clark, Charles S. “An American Nazi Rise And fall.” American History, vol. 40, no. 6, 2006, pp. 60–66. EBSCOhost, Accessed 24 Sept. 2017.

Obermayer, Herman J. American Nazi Party in Arlington, Virginia, 1958-1984. Herman J. Obermayer, 2012.

Simonelli, Frederick J. American Fuehrer: George Lincoln Rockwell And The American Nazi Party. University of Illinois Press, 1999.

Simonelli, Frederick J. “The American Nazi Party, 1958–1967.” The Historian, vol. 57, no. 3, 1995, pp. 553–566. University of Nevada, Accessed 24 Sept. 2017.


1804 Words  6 Pages
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