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History of Adolf Hitler



Adolf Hitler was born in 1889 by his parents Alois Hilter and Klara Polzl in Braunau am Inn, Australia. He committed suicide in 1945 after defeat of his empire by strong nations (Haugen, 9). At school, he was an outgoing and a confident student but after the death of Edmund (his younger brother) he was completely detached from his father and teachers. In his childhood, he showed interest in fine arts but his harsh father could not allow him to develop this career. This made Hitter to engage in antisocial behaviors and developed unstable temperament to his ruthless father (Haugen, 17). At a young age, Hitler started to show interest in German nationalism and during this period, he rejected the Habsburg Monarchy and it authority in an ethnic empire.   

After the death of his father in 1903, Hitler performed poor in school and in 1904; he joined Realschule and shaped his behaviors a bit. However, year 1905 was the end of his education since at this time he left the school and he had no thoughts for furthering education of career (Haugen, 18). After the death of her mother in 1907, he became a casual laborer but life was difficult to an extent that he ended up living in homeless shelters. In 1913, he left Vienna and moved to Munich. During the First World War, he requested to join the Bavarian Army where he won awards such as Iron Cross First Class for his effort and heroic deeds during the war (Haugen, 20).

 Rise to power

 Hitler entered in the political filed after World War 1. Since German had  not won  in the war, he was  resentful  and  argued that  the defeat was contributed by Treaty of Versailles- for blaming German for the  loss and damage and  for giving land  to France(Haugen,53). There was also economic depression which led to unemployment. In the political field, people had known him as a powerful person and they adored to his rule. During this period, he became the leader of the Nazi party and in 1933, he become the Chancellor of Germany in 1932 (Haugen, 63). In his leadership, he controlled governmental levels and political institutions and being a powerful rule, he was the head of state. Hitler believed that Germany   had to gain control over Europe and gain a territory. He wanted Germany to gain a territory from Australia, Czechoslovakia and Poland.  The war was between the Axis powers and Allied powers. Hitler’s army captured few European nations but later in 1944, the allies captured the beaches of Normandy.  In 1945, the Allied powers   defeated German and the defeat made Hitler to commit suicide in April 1945(Haugen, 75).


Work cited

Haugen, Brenda. Adolf Hitler: Dictator of Nazi Germany. Minneapolis, Minn: Compass Point Books, 2006.


466 Words  1 Pages
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