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Both demilitarization and reform polices created democracy and economic success in Japan and the recovery was achieved through destroying Zaibatsu (business conglomerates), land reform and labor democratization

Q2.After World War 2, Japan gained a greater economic power which was derived from occupational forces. In 1945 and 1952, Douglas A. Mac Arthur led the U.S forces and enacted socioeconomic and political reforms.  In 1945, the allied powers   including the U.S implemented indirect rule to Japan. Prior to the reform policies, the Supreme Commander Douglas Mac Arthur prevented the production of military by developing economic demilitarization. In 1947 when MacArthur implemented economic demilitarization, Japan created the Constitution. During this period, Japan had no military power or defense forces but rather   it used outside forces from U.S.   

Thesis: Both demilitarization and reform polices created democracy and economic success in Japan and the recovery was achieved through destroying Zaibatsu (business conglomerates), land reform and labor democratization.


129 Words  1 Pages
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