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African American History Day by Day: A Reference Guide to Events

Histories Assignment

            The reason as to why Mr. Clarke’s viewpoint on history is different from the predominant euro- centric history is that Africa and its inhabitants are the most viewed and least understood in all the people in the Universe. This status started in the 15th centuries when the trade on slaves was established.  The Europeans did not only settle many of the world’s facts, but started to take over the information about the world and its inhabitants. When the European settlers first met Africans at the intersection of history, it depicted a deferential meeting which showed that the Africans were not slaves. Their nations were old before Europe was initiated.  In this era of history, Africa was an unfamiliar place to the Europeans (Karen, 3).

            After the rise and fall of the Greek evolution and the Roman obliteration of the city of Carthage, they made the dominated terrains into a region which they referred to as Africa which meant that tit was a group of people who were not much familiar. For the Europeans to colonize most of the African regions, they had to pretend that they had forgotten all they knew about Africa.  During their meeting with the Africans, they accompanied each other. Clarke’s history reveals that Africans were the oldest people on the face of the earth. Now the Africans did not only influence the Greeks and the Romans, but also the early world before the Europeans settled in their region. Slavery and colonialism in the African history was likely to break the connection between the Africans and their continent, Africa. A small group of the African – American developed the foundation of what would be the African consciousness movement over the many past years.  Their main concern as revealed by Clarke was with the African which is currently known as the Nile Valley (Karen, 3).

            Clarke was aware that many stories from the bible as written in Africa had no Africans printed or presented in the Sunday school lessons. He reveals how he was suspecting that at that very early stage, someone had already biased the appearance of his people, now the Africans.  His fear was that he was once told by a white man that there was no Black people’s history, thus he embarked on the long research of the history of the African Americans and he noticed that it was real but it had been disguised by those who referred our ancestors as slaves. What he much focused was the past of the Africans which was based on an international level.  It was evident to him that the world’s first empires were in Africa. The ages that were referred to as Dark were gloomy for Europe and that some of the African nations were much larger to any nation in Europe. This is the main reason as to why many of the Africans further the education of their children in Europe as it has the best institutions.  This also reveals that slavery which was ruinous was not the commencement or the termination of the African’s influence on the Universe.  Clarke continues to talk about the history of the African Evolution and opposes that no leading or settling supremacy brought evolution in Africa (Karen, 5).








Work cited

Carrillo, Karen J. African American History Day by Day: A Reference Guide to Events. Santa Barbara, Calif: Greenwood, 2012. Print.         


562 Words  2 Pages
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