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Write a 6-8-page research paper (at least 2000 words) on your topic of choice in U.S. History from 1865 to the present.

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Paper Instructions:

Write a 6-8-page research paper (at least 2000 words) on your topic of choice in U.S. History from 1865 to the present.  Make sure to use at least 2 primary sources and 3 secondary sources.  Make sure to cite the primary and secondary sources in both footnotes AND a Bibliography in the Chicago Manual of Style form. This is a research assignment, which means you will do individual research into your chosen U.S. History topic. Like all modern histories, this paper is essentially an “argumentative” paper.  So, after researching your topic you should argue something about it.  Rampolla is your Guidebook for how to write this paper. My Topic is going to be Woman Rights.

128 Words  1 Pages
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