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The concept of "Constructive Self-Disclosure" in relation to personal and professional success, and how authenticity strengthens our relationships with others. We will explore the Johari Window and how this model can serve to deepen our understanding of the process of self-disclosure and the various levels of self-awareness and their impact on interpersonal communications.
Disclosure is important to think about these days - we want to be open and friendly at work, but being too open can lead a person into trouble. The four panes of the Johari Window, help explain the process of self-disclosure and consider our own levels of self-awareness in the communication process. Talk about how the 4 panes in Johari Window might be seen in the workplace. Give a specific example of how each pane would be seen at work.  
•    Make connections to previous or current content or to real-life situations.
•    Contain rich and fully developed new ideas, connections, or applications.

174 Words  1 Pages
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