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The Loss of American Indian Life and Culture

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Discussion 1: Read  the document on page 4 of Learning Module 1 and  "The Loss of American Indian Life and Culture" in section 17.4 of Chapter 17 and then answer the following question...

What is Chief Joseph's perception of the government's Indian policy and Anglo Americans? What types of injustices are mentioned in Chief Joseph's remarks?

Discussion 2: Review sections 19.1-19.3  in Chapter 19 of the etext and watch the video "Life in New York City's Tenement Housing During the Gilded Age" on page 3 of Learning Module 3 and then answer the following question....

What was life like in Gilded Age tenement living for the immigrant in New York City?  What injustices were these immigrants exposed to because they were immigrants?  What type of social justice campaign would you create to address these conditions?

Both discussions should have 2 paragraphs each
Discussions rubric: Responds to the discussion question in  2 paragraphs Demonstratessophistication of thought; understands and critically evaluates the sources used and using at least one element of thought; appropriately limits and defines terms and concepts relevant to the topic; Uses appropriate and effective evidence is in support of position.


208 Words  1 Pages
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