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changes from the 19th and 20 centuries

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

you may access this textbook through the following link to find chapter 16.

In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, America was facing a period rapid economic and social change. These changes, while good for some, were not always beneficial to all Americans. Chapter 16 discusses many different examples of these changes and how they contributed to labor unrest. For this discussion, choose at least THREE examples from the textbook and describe how they shaped the labor movements of the late nineteenth century. Your examples can be economic policies, strikes, political policies, etc. 

For citations please use this form: (Chapter number, section number); (Source author’s last name); (Video title); (Website title).

this should be AT LEAST THREE paragraphs. One paragraph for each example. All responses should be written in complete sentences and should include citations for material borrowed from outside sources

156 Words  1 Pages
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