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who won the cold war us vs soviet union?

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

“Between 1945 and 1989 world affairs were dominated by the so called Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union.  In end, the Soviet Union is considered to have come out on the losing end of the conflict, however, some have begun to question whether the Cold War actually had an ultimate winner and loser.  Who do you believe “won” the Cold War?”

General Guidelines

Your paper should by typed, double-spaced, and in a font of similar size to that used in these guidelines (12 pt).  It should be no less than FOUR (4) and no more than SIX (6) pages of text (not including the work cited page) in length.

II.    Some Things to Consider

1.    Your goal in writing this paper is to take a side on the issue of foreign policy, thus you will be arguing a point throughout your paper.
2.    You will not be graded on you opinion, but rather how well you argue your point.
3.    Make sure you take time in your paper to not only flesh out your own opinion but also address counterarguments.
4.    Arguments are always made stronger when authors cite creditable external sources to bolster their claims.

Then on a separate works cited page:

Donald, David. Review of Russell Weigley’s Age of Battles. American Historical Review. (Vol. 106, No.4) May 2005.

In other words:  When in doubt. Cite!!

243 Words  1 Pages
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