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Crime Analysis, Milwaukee Wisconsin

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Answer the following:

Identify your city: Milwaukee, Wisconsin

What are the 3 most concerning crimes?

Which crime are you addressing?

What solutions do you propose?

How long for implementation, and for quantifiable (measurable) results?

How is the municipality going to pay for it?

Students will act as community relations officers, and will be responsible for investigating the crime-related problems in their respective communities.

The student should identify one of the most urgent or frequently-occurring problems in the community, according to statistics or crime analysis.

Based on this finding, propose short-term and long-term solution to the problem

Search past few years (2017-now) to show trends of popular crimes either increasing or decreasing.

Hint…USDOJ (Or the state’s DOJ) is a place to start…or maybe BJS. 

The student should identify possible funding sources, assisting agencies, and impediments to implementation for the community and the Department’s COP/POP programs.

The student must answer the question, “How do I get officers to ‘buy in’ to this program?”

This project must include a graph (or listed statistics) to show the “ranking” of this crime as compared to other indexed crime in the subject community.

Students are required to cite concepts in the text. (Community Policing:Partnerships for problem solving 7th Edition)

For purposes of brevity, this assignment should not exceed 5 pages, INCLUDING any statistical or graph information. NO APA FORMATTING REQUIRED. Only an APA cover page and reference page is required. Use block formatting.

The required text AND at least ONE other academically credible source should be used for reference. (Website used must only be from a .edu, .gov, .mil websites NO .COM websites!!!)

278 Words  1 Pages
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