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Managing Global Cities

Questions and Topics We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Which of these articles confirms or negates your view on housing availability and affordability?

ARTICLE: Butler, T. and Lees, L. (2006). Super-gentrification in Barnsbury, London: Globalization and Gentrifying Global Elites at the Neighbourhood Level. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 31, 467-487.


ARTICLE: Sivam, A. (2003). Housing Supply in Delhi. Cities 20 (2003): 135-141.

I will use the following criteria to evaluate your original posts: Post by Thursday 11:59 pm

Must begin with a quotation from either article (with page number);
Must have at least 300 words (not including the required quotation) with proper spelling and grammar;
Must include your explanation of how the quotation address one of the Meta-themes
I will use the following criteria to evaluate your responses to other students:Post by Sunday 11:59 pm

Must have at least 150 words (not including the required quotation from the other student’s post);
Must address something specifically mentioned in the other student’s post in an appropriate and relevant manner.
Please refer to the Discussion Rubric for more details regarding the grading criteria.

185 Words  1 Pages
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