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Gina Ocon, a 21-year-old Harvard student, discovered that she was pregnant in October of her sophomore year of college. The problem was that Tommaso Maggiore, the father of her child, wanted Ocon to stay in California so he could be near his daughter; he

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The following case illustrates how complicated custody decisions can be. Gina Ocon, a 21-year-old Harvard student, discovered that she was pregnant in October of her sophomore year of college. The problem was that Tommaso Maggiore, the father of her child, wanted Ocon to stay in California so he could be near his daughter; he filed for custody. The case went to trial, while Ocon went on welfare. Maggiore argued that he and his family could better care for the child, Bailey, in California. A court ruled in Ocon’s favor and gave Ocon sole custody. She moved her child to Massachusetts. Do you agree with the court’s decision? Why or why not? Cite case law to make your argument.

129 Words  1 Pages
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