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Did you know that one department store chain has two forensics labs in the United States? One is in the western states and the other is located in the Northeast, and both locations process fingerprints and other forensics evidence.

Topics and Questions We Can Help You To Answer:
Paper Instructions:

Did you know that one department store chain has two forensics labs in the United States? One is in the western states and the other is located in the Northeast, and both locations process fingerprints and other forensics evidence. Did you know that one of the fast-food restaurant chains has a huge security department that is responsible for global security and an intelligence unit that tracks terrorism worldwide? Also, did you know that every professional sports team, most Fortune 500 companies, and amusement parks have security, quick response teams, and investigation teams?

In the selection of your topic for your final project, examine all possible areas of interest, both in the public and private sectors. Research topics of interest in which you would love to have a career.

Based on the feedback from your instructor and peers regarding your topic, finalize the thesis that you will pursue for your research. Now, you will develop a research plan that will include the following:

Thesis statement: This statement presents the problem or issue you intend to research, and it should be clear and concise.
Hypothesis: This is a statement of prediction regarding the results of the problem or issue. Briefly identify your working solution to the problem. How might your working solution solve the problem? Be sure to note that your working solution will evolve through continued research and analysis.
Measurement and analysis approach: Define the key points that you will research, and explain how you will gather and analyze the data you find. Intend to incorporate information related to technology and crime statistics that apply to your issue.
Applicable resources: Identify 5 sources that you have found that are the most relevant and best support your purpose statement. List the sources, and then record the main idea as notes to use as part of your research later. Identify case studies, library, Web, and other scholarly resources.
Ethical standards: What are ethical and legal responsibilities to ensure that your final report will be of the highest ethical standards?

347 Words  1 Pages
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